Laodicea Photo: Laodicea

Even in ancient times the territory of the modern town of Pamukkale been famous for its extraordinary healing thermal springs. Even then, they attracted thousands of people who have stayed in the ancient city of Laodicea, located near the slope. The settlement was founded in the second century BC, and in 190 ad in its place was erected another city – Hierapolis, which was repeatedly destroyed by earthquakes and rebuilt again. Wealthy residents of Laodicea has built up a system of watercourses for hot water from the springs, placing her in private pools and spas, thus damaging part of the lower terraces. The city was not only a major religious center of its time, but also one of the most famous Spa resorts, to visit which was visited by the rulers of the peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Turkey.

Laodicea was built on a small plateau, nestled between two river valleys and always snow-covered ridges of Akdag, which reach heights of 2571 meters. The location was convenient to observe two important trade routes through the mountains, and this was due to the prosperity of the city. Laodicea became known for glossy black hair, which was showing off the black clothes and carpets. The city was also the center of the medical school and to develop collyria - famous salve for the eyes. The settlement was a fortress, but it had one very weak spot is water to the inhabitants came from sources underground water pipe, the length of which exceeds ten kilometers. It was very dangerous to the besieged city.

In the first century BC the city was under the control of the Roman Empire, after the collapse of which he was under Byzantine rule. In the era of the spread of Christianity was established here one of the "Seven churches of Anatolia, mentioned in the Apocalypse and in the Epistles of the Apostle Paul. In 1097 Laodicea was captured by the Turks and as a result of continuous wars between Byzantium was destroyed. The city ceased to exist after several earthquakes, and its inhabitants founded near new – Denizli.

The ruins of the ancient city of Laodicea is located 13 kilometres from Pamukkale, near the road to Denizli and are a striking historical sights of Turkey. Now here you can see the dilapidated Nymphaeum, pretty much destroyed the stadium built in the first century, the complex of the baths, the gymnasium, the Foundation of the Ionian temple and two theatres, big and small. Turkish archeologists excavated main street, residential quarters, two amphitheatres and a Christian Basilica. Employees of the University of the city of Denizli since 2005 conducted archaeological excavations on the ruins of the ancient city and famous for the Church of Laodicea. Before Laodicea anybody seriously has not been investigated.

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