The Church of Chrysopolitissa and convoy St. Paul Photo: the Church of Chrysopolitissa and convoy St. Paul

Ruins and one of the largest and most famous of the early Christian basilicas of Cyprus – Chrysopolitissa – is located a short distance from the harbour town of Paphos.

It was erected another fourth century. However, in the VII century during another Arab raids, the Basilica was completely destroyed. From the buildings to the present day survived only amazing beauty of mosaic floors with floral and geometric designs, as well as several columns which even left inscriptions made by the invaders. Later, according to one data – in the XII century, according to others, in the fifteenth, on the ruins was built the Byzantine Church, which was named the Church of Agia Kyriaki. She is still in excellent condition, and it is now held by the Catholic and Anglican services.

Also this place is famous because according to the legend, one of the columns which is on the North-Eastern side of the temple, as punishment for preaching the Romans bound Paul to beat with whips. Unfortunately, from this column is only one marble pedestal. In addition, it is believed that in this Church the Apostle was first converted to Christianity the Roman official who at that time was vicar of the Empire on the island, Sergius Paulus.

The Church became famous, that was the first place that was visited by Pope Benedict XVI, when in 2010 went on a journey "in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul".

Now in this area, conducted a large-scale archaeological excavations. There were found the remains of a sanctuary of Aphrodite, as well as another Christian Church, which was destroyed by an earthquake.

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