The Imperial summer Palace (yiheyuan) Photo: the Imperial Summer Palace (yiheyuan)

The Imperial summer Palace – amazing by spacious Park complex consisting of residential buildings, temples and pavilions, which lies along the banks of an artificial lake. The Palace is located 20 km from the capital Beijing.

This Palace is recognized as a magnificent example of a harmonious combination of imagination and functionality. Halls, function halls, walkways and bridges take a certain setting for a picturesque landscape, and the many temples and altars give peace.

Under the Summer Palace has devoted a large territory with a total area of the Park, the summer Palace Beijing — about 290 hectares. All the buildings of the Palace complex, which is considered the main, concentrated in the Northern part of the Park. Just South of the Mountain of Longevity is lake Kunming.

The Park can be divided into two parts: the Park and Palace. After passing through the main gate of the Park, you will be in the pavilion Sensodyne, where once was located the residence of the Empress Tsys and her son guansui. The East side is the theater complex Dhawan, and on the West gallery, the total length of 728 m.

Overall, the Park has over 3,000 buildings. Each of the architectural groups has its own characteristics.

Yiheyuan (summer Palace includes three landscaped area: a natural lake, the hill, and the Palace ensemble. While the mountains of Lituanian come to Beijing as the background. Here the natural landscape seamlessly connects with an artificially created landscape ensemble, resulting in the Beijing stands as a wonderful example of local landscape art.

Hiking area of the Palace Park, which is also his special attraction, consists of mountains of Bangsawan, lake Kunming, created in the image of lake in Hangzhou West lake and the mountains Houshang and lake Houhu.

One of the most important constructions of the Palace — temple of Pasanga standing in the Central mountains of Bangsawan. Here, on the dam Seeley, is 6 bridges. The most amazing among them is the Jade bridge.

The Dundee dam on the Eastern side connected with a Causeway to the West. In its Central part is the bridge of 17 arches, stone pillars of the bridge is decorated with 564 lion.

The summer Palace Beijing is the residence and garden for Chinese emperors. The lake also once played a vital role in the water system of Beijing, as it was water communication between the capital and its surroundings.

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