Bridge] Photo: Bridge]

The bridge Agreement, connecting the area with the Consent of the Bourbon Palace on the quay d'orsay, located in a very beautiful place, but special in itself does not attract attention. Wide, with a modest lights and balustrade, he looks quite simple, without pomp. Meanwhile, the splendor of old he was, but that never mattered: bridge building, was constructed from the stones of the Bastille.

The Bastille, a prison for noble prisoners, fell on 14 July 1789. The next day it was decided to demolish it. The work continued until 1791, after they left the mountain of stone. The stones allowed for the construction of the bridge leading to the place Louis XV.

The crossing was planned in 1755, when the construction of the square, and before that there used to be a ferry. Architect Jean-Rodolphe Perronet has already started to build a bridge (in this case it was called by the name of Louis XVI), but by the time of the demolition of the Bastille material for the construction of fully has not yet been purchased. So the destruction of the fortress gave the opportunity to finish the bridge as one of the first buildings of the new Republic. Of course, he was immediately renamed the bridge of the Revolution, as the square on which was established the guillotine.

In 1810, Napoleon ordered to be placed on both sides of the bridge are statues of eight French generals killed during the military campaigns of the First Empire. During the restoration of the Bourbons bridge back to the original name and decided to remove the statues of generals. Instead, they put twelve colossal white marble sculptures depicting the four great Ministers (Suger, Sully, Richelieu and Colbert), four Royal generals (Du Guesclin, Bayard, Conde and Turina) and four marine officers (Dugua-Troina, Duchesne, Suffren and Trouville for). The bridge looks very impressive, but a collection of statues was too heavy, he created the threat of collapse. When Louis-Philippe I of the sculpture was moved to Versailles, and at the same time gave the bridge the next name was again named area, which at that time was an area of Agreement.

Nothing special about the bridge never happened – it was expanded between 1930 and 1932, while maintaining the original shape and neoclassical architecture. Now it is the busiest bridge in Paris. Hardly drivers crossing Cena on it, remember that you go on the stones of the Bastille.

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