Museum Ossip Zadkine Photo: Ossip Zadkine Museum

Small Ossip Zadkine Museum is located in the house of the sculptor near the Luxembourg gardens, on Rue d'assas. Master bequeathed his works to Paris, and his widow Valentina Prix, dying, fulfilled the will of her husband.

Ossip Zadkine, who became one of the greatest sculptors of the twentieth century, is a native of Vitebsk, graduated from four-year city College together with Marc Chagall. In his youth he studied in London and Paris, where he became close friends with Apollinaire, Picasso, Modigliani, Bourdelle, Matisse. In the First world war he volunteered to the front, he was gassed. During the Second world lived and worked in the United States. In 1953 in Rotterdam showed that he was probably the most famous sculpture of the "Wounded city", echoing the "Guernica" by Picasso, falling on his knees screaming man with no heart. This work was dedicated to the tragic fate of Rotterdam was completely destroyed and burned by Nazi aircraft on 14 may 1940. France believes Zadkine, one of their largest national artists. In 1966, the sculptor was awarded the Legion of Honor. He is buried in Paris cemetery, Paris.

The Ossip Zadkine Museum was opened in 1982 in the house where the master lived and worked from 1928 until the end of his days. Landscape architect Gilles clément managed to very convincingly to place in the garden of the Museum of sculpture designed for open spaces, including a copy of the "Wounded cities". Just here now exhibited over 300 works, including the extraordinary beauty of "Golden bird", as well as the sculptor's drawings, gouaches, photographs and tapestries. The exhibits allow you to trace the creative evolution of the master, who, gradually moving away from cubism, formed his own incomparable style. Three or four times a year on Rue d'assas are also exhibitions of contemporary art.

Exposure is small, it takes only five rooms (except, of course, garden). The Museum has an important feature: all the exhibits are available for visually impaired and blind. Sculptures can be touched, are located near each of the special plates, with explanatory inscriptions on which are made in Braille. Such was the will of the Ossip Zadkine.

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