In the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky on the high side of a mountain between the Trinity-Danilov and Gorecki monasteries, there is a small Sretenskaya Church. To date there are no accurate chronicle details about the date of the erection of this temple, but there are some sources in which the date of construction of the Church is called 1785.

Almost before 1753 at the fence of a large Goritsky monastery was located two built wooden Church, one of which was consecrated in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh and was the summer, and the second was consecrated in honor of the presentation and the winter. Both churches were full to Sergius parish. In the middle of 1753, Pereslavl Bishop Serapion has issued a confirmed permission for the erection of a new stone-built Church, which was built would replace two wooden. The temple was to be built Candlemas, and has a chapel in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh. It is important to note that the construction of the temple only had time to start, because in this period of time in the city of Pereslavl came Ambrose – the new Bishop, when the acts of which began full-scale construction at the Cathedral of the Goritsky monastery.

Located in the monastery area of the parish Church was ordered to be demolished, and the unused brick to start the process of the construction of the stone Church is to return to the parishioners. Many parishioners received the brick back, decided to use it to further the construction of the temple in the new place, which was much more removed from the monastery.

Sretenskaya Church was originally consecrated in honor of the feast of Candlemas. In the temple there were two chapels: the first was consecrated in the name of Sergey of Radonezh (like the previous Church), and the second in the name of Alexander Nevsky, because this Saint was one of Pereslavl princes. It is worth noting that none of these acts were carried out: on the planned location was just transferred old wooden Church and was consecrated in the name of Alexander Nevsky.

20 years later, the dilapidated wooden building almost completely unusable. At this time, when the priests of Alexander Nevsky Church Vasily Ivanov and Stefan Ivanov appealed to Bishop Feofilakt about returning them to the arrival of such a large number of bricks, which was in his time spent on newsvideo the Church, near the walls of the Goritsky monastery. It is important to mention that the temple was dismantled and fully let on building materials for the big update of the Goritsky monastery. This petition was filed at the end of 1778, but the long-awaited brick parishioners and failed to get it.

October 26, 1785 new Sretensky temple, equipped with a chapel in the name of Alexander Nevsky, was consecrated. The initial idea was to build two chapels, but this failed for some unknown till today reason. Also neither one of the found documents were not found records of St. Sergius temple, we have only two subjects of Church utensils – altar Gospels and the altar cross, and the Gospels mentioned the original name of St. Sergius Church. Still not an established fact of whether they saved during the years of Soviet authority.

With regard to the architecture of the Sretensky temple, it is simple, but very beautiful. The Church is a specimen of the style of a provincial classicism. The main quadrangle of the main volume is crowned by triangular pediments, while from South to North doorways to the temple are flanked with arcades, built of four columns, and the corners of the square edged rustication. Inside the temple is especially bright because it has two rows wide window openings framed with elegant trims. The West is a refectory room, and also three-tiered bell tower. Wedding main volume carried out by the octagon and a hemispherical dome. The semicircular apse is decorated with rust.

In Soviet times a temple was closed, and its utensils delivered. Since 1988, the Church of the meeting started operating again, and then soon it was a large-scale restoration.

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