A monument to the letter Photo: monument to the letter "A"

A monument to the letter " in Polotsk was established in September 7, 2003 in the tenth anniversary year of celebration of the day of Belarusian written language.

Not a random selection of the monument in the city of Polotsk is the most ancient enlightened city in the country, closely connected with the history of the Belarusian book-printing. Polotsk – the city's oldest Jesuit College, the city of Simeon of Polotsk and Euphrosyne of Polotsk – heavenly protectors and educators of the Belarusian people.

No accident and the place where the monument to the letter , square, named in honor of the Belarusian first printer Francisk Skorina.

This unique letter, which became a symbol of the Belarusian alphabet of 32 letters, has 22 serial number. This letter does not exist in any other alphabet in the world. According to statistics conducted by scientists-linguists the sound denoted in brief, Dating in Belarusian speech most often. It is he who gives speech softness and melody.

The author of the monument to the Belarusian letter – a prominent sculptor, Professor of sculpture Department of the Belarusian state Academy of arts, laureate of the State prize of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Finnish.

The monument is made in the form of a stele, depicting the letter , and the entire Belarusian alphabet. Stella can also serve as a sundial. When given a fine day, this sundial to tell the time of day.

The Patriotic monument of Belarus held rallies and meetings, holidays, celebrations, folk festivals. Belarus is very proud of the fact that it is the most cultural and reading public. A lot of money and effort is spent on training and Patriotic education of the younger generation.

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A monument to the letter "A"
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