Our Saviour and St. Euphrosyne monastery Photo: our Saviour and St. Euphrosyne monastery

Spaso-Evfrosinievskiy monastery in Polotsk is an ancient Orthodox monastery, founder and abbess of which was the legendary Holy comfort behind her Polotsk.

The comfort behind her (Predelava in the world) was the daughter of Prince Svyatoslav-George and the Princess Sophia. The Princess grew up a bookish type who loves old books and religious wisdom. She was renowned for her beauty and intelligence. In 1120, when he was just 12 years old, she joined a convent, secretly from his father, who wanted her to marry. Then, seeing the three prophetic dream about the Church of St. Saviour, standing in the Village, she went to this Holy place and there he founded a monastery. Miraculously, through the prayers of the mother superior comfort behind her, the all-merciful Saviour Church was built in just 30 weeks.

The comfort behind her Polotsk ordered the jeweler Lazar Bogle precious altar cross, the ark is decorated in the Byzantine manner of pearls and precious stones. In the cross were concluded, the particles of the cross on which Christ was crucified with a drop of Blood of the Lord, small pieces of stones of the Holy sepulchre and the Tomb of the virgin, as well as relics of Orthodox saints. This sacred relic was kept in the monastery and attracted thousands of pilgrims, who were left in the monastery generous donations.

In life, the comfort behind her Polotsk made its monastery and hometown thriving center of arts, education, literacy and divine wisdom.

In 1563, when the Polotsk was besieged by Ivan the Terrible, ended the Golden age of Polotsk. Soon in 1579 the city was taken by the troops of Stephen Batory, the monastery was plundered and given to the Jesuits.

Only in 1833, the monastery was returned to the Orthodox Church. He was soon restored. Settled in the monastery of the sisters. In 1928, the monastery was looted and closed. A very short time he worked during the occupation of Polotsk by Nazi troops. However, during the occupation disappeared mysteriously precious cross comfort behind her Polotsk. His whereabouts is not known to this day. In Soviet times, the monastery was closed.

These days, the revival of the monastery began in 1989, when the monastic buildings were returned to the Orthodox Church. Now, as in ancient times, 9 centuries ago, Evfrosinievskiy monastery is a thriving spiritual center of Belarus. The cross of St. Euphrosyne of was recreated from sketches. Now a copy is kept in the Holy Evfrosinievskiy the monastery and sometimes travels the Belarusian cities, blessing them with prosperity.

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