Amphitheatre Photo: Amphitheatre

The amphitheatre is one of the most famous architectural monuments in the old part of Pula. Many Croatian attractions culture and history related to Roman empires. This Amphitheater was built during the times of the Roman Empire in the first century of the new era, at the time of Vespasian. To this day there are several different film festivals and screenings of theatre productions.

In ancient times in the amphitheatre could hold about 23 thousand visitors. Preserved this structure quite well, but today he is devoid of the veneer, as the stone was used for other city buildings. Today you can see the outer facade of the amphitheater, as well as three tiers with a gallery upstairs, which overlooks the sea. The internal lighting of the galleries and passages for the guests were provided with arches in the wall.

You can visit the Museum, which is located in the underground premises of the amphitheatre. Here are the archaeological sites that were found at the site during excavations – various amphorae and plates with ancient writing.

In the centre of the structure is arena, the value of which is 68 to 42 meters. The main purpose of the arena is, of course, holding gladiatorial events. Considered the most violent battles that took place here during the reign of Diocletian. Then not only gladiators, and slaves had to fight with wild beasts. Later, in 404, the year when he established Christianity, similar battles were prohibited.

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