Spanish synagogue Photo: Spanish synagogue

The Spanish synagogue is the most beautiful synagogue of Prague. It is included in the exhibitions of the Jewish Museum, is one of its branches, so you can get inside by purchasing an integrated ticket at the ticket office of the Jewish Museum, authorizing the attendance of all the memorable places associated with the life and customs of the Jewish people in Prague.

The Spanish synagogue is located on Broad street in the district of Josefov. She makes an indelible impression on the unprepared tourists. Its walls are richly decorated with stucco and gilding, stained glass Windows glistening in the rays of the Prague sun. It resembles a jewelry box that holds my secrets, too otherworldly and mysterious.

In the old days in place of the Spanish synagogue stood a house of worship, which was decided to be demolished. In the second half of the nineteenth century began construction of a new synagogue, which was dedicated to the memorable date: the 400th anniversary of the exile of the Jewish people from Spain. That is why the synagogue was named by the Spanish and was constructed in accordance with the traditions that were adopted in distant Spain. Moorish style, the splendor of decoration, the presence of Eastern motifs have characterized the Spanish synagogue.

Inside demonstrates an exhibition dedicated to the Holocaust and concentration camps. On the second floor you can see the pictures completely destroyed the Jewish ghetto. The material is pretty hard to understand and is designed for adults thinking people interested in history. Children this exposure is best not to show it.

In front of the synagogue is a monument to Franz Kafka – a strange, but attractive, and how it works.

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