The Church Of Ayios Elias Photo: Church Of Ayios Elias

A small Orthodox Church of Ayios Elias (St. Elijah), located in the heart of Protaras, was built in honor of the prophet Elijah in the XIV century. She is on top of the rocks near the sea coast. The Church has a narrow and steep staircase. And the locals believe that if during the ascent and descent to count her steps and not to lose count, so their number will eventually coincide, it would mean the remission of all sins.

The Church of Ayios Elias is in a traditional Byzantine style and is famous especially for its beautiful old painting, which is very well preserved to our days. These paintings mostly depict scenes from the Bible and Orthodox saints. Overall, the inside of the Church looks quite modest, but comfortable – there is a simple wooden altar, the walls, covered with paintings, painted white. The roof was topped with the traditional Byzantine style dome, high cross, there is also a small bell tower.

But in the evening and at night, this structure may seem like a real Palace with beautiful lighting that literally transforms of Ayios Elias.

Next to the temple that is very popular in Cyprus, grows the tree of desires – so the dream came true, to a branch must tie a ribbon or handkerchief. Often tourists for this purpose even cut off a piece of his clothing.

Despite his rather advanced age, the Church of Ayios Elias is in excellent condition. In the temple a few times restoration work was carried out, which made it possible to preserve all the beauty of this ancient structure.

In addition, from the top of the cliff, where is Ayios Elias, offers stunning views of the surrounding area.

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