Big Kristaps Photo: Big Kristaps

Big Kristaps, or St. Christopher, is a sculpture of a very tall man on the shoulder which sits a little boy. In one hand he holds the paddle and the other with a small lantern that lights the way across the river. Kristaps, under long-term service for the benefit of people who need to transport everyone across the river.

Long time St. Christopher was the patron Saint of pilots, carriers, carriers, as well as a Trustee of bridges, viaducts and crossings. The sculpture itself is made of wood, accented with bright colors. Who are the authors of the sculpture Lielais Kristaps, made sometime in the early 16th century, is unknown.

In those days, the sculpture was popular and well-known, there was even a saying, which included three curiosities of the city, including the shape of Big Christopher: "the Bridge that lies on the water, the Giant that stands at the gate, and the Bell that outside of the tower hangs". Under the bridge on the water, referred to in the saying, is understood to be one of the main crossings of the Daugava river (Western Dvina), connecting the Inner city, which was surrounded by a fortification wall. Under the third gimmick specified in the saying, was understood to be the bell of St. Blaise, which was hanging outside the chapel under cybercom, he was attached to the tower of the Riga Yakovlevskoe Church and served as the "bell alarm". Well, the giant at the gate is a Big Kristaps. The original location of the sculpture is unknown. However, in the 18th century, when the saying has acquired its final appearance, the statue took place in Karlovy main gate. Near these gate there was a small shopping area, which competed with the main trading place in the town hall square.

In 1861 the statue of Big boy took his seat in the small building, located on the banks of the Daugava river in the beginning of the street Maskavas, who served as an important trading point and passing through the Moscow suburb. The place where the statue stood, was not far from the building, St. George's hospital – a key center for philanthropy. Next to the glass that protected the sculpture Lielais Kristaps from the weather, was a large wooden mug for donations. The money collected was transferred to St George's hospital. Large donations often left members of the Riga brotherhood carriers, as well as at carriers, who thus expressed thanks to Christopher for his help in overcoming the dangerous rapids of the river. In addition, the wife and bride of pilots and carriers were brought here by their jewelry: beads, ribbon, ribbons, necklaces, as thanks for saving their beloved. All of these items, after getting into a mug, revered by locals as amulets and charms, possessing healing properties. Some of them can be found in the Museum of history of Riga and navigation.

In addition, St. Christopher was attributed to the miraculous ability to heal wounds. It was believed that if you wrap your hand Kristaps thread or ribbon and give her some hang, and then remove and put yourself in recovery is provided. 've got another tradition: the small child in front of a sculpture of St. Christopher brought a promise to behave yourself and learn to be honest and diligent throughout the year.

In the late 18th century, students graduating from the Riga Polytechnic Institute opened its "hooligan tradition" to leave feedback for the glass booth, or even sculpture Lielais Kristaps. With such a tradition of hard fought policemen. Students also believed that such an act will bring good luck to a graduate entering into a new life.

After independence of the country in the 1920s, the monument began to decline. During the hostilities glass booth inoperable, as a result, she collapsed, the remains were taken wipers, and new fencing put no. In 1923, decided to move the wooden statue in the Museum of history of Riga and navigation. There Big Kristaps is to this day. Currently in the booth, made of bulletproof glass, which is located on the embankment of the Daugava river, only a copy of Lielais Kristaps.

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