Circus Maximus Photo: circus Maximus

Circus Maximus — ancient Hippodrome in Rome for holding chariot races and other events. Situated in a valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome. The length of the stadium reaches 621 m and a width of 118 M. Once he was able to accommodate up to 150 thousand spectators. Today the territory of the circus Maximus is a public Park.

In the era of ancient Rome was held at the stadium "Ludi" - public games devoted to various religious dates. Often the initiators of their conduct became wealthy Romans or the state itself. Shows could be both one-day and last for a longer period of time, accompanied by religious ceremonies, races, chariot races, Gladiator fights and t.d. One of the so-called "venatio" (kind of entertainment that combines hunting and killing of animals), held at the stadium in 169 BC.e.included part 63 leopards and 40 bears and elephants. In the days free from shows, the stadium was used by jockeys and charioteers for training, and could be a convenient corral for the cattle sold at the nearby market. As Christianity spread through the Empire, "Ludi" were becoming less popular — the last of the famous took place in the circus Maximus 523 in year n.e.and the last chariot races took place in 549 year.

Gradually, in the 6th and 7th centuries, the stadium was abandoned and fell into disrepair (and even partially dismantled for building materials). Lower levels, subject to flooding during floods, were buried under a layer of silt and today are located at 6 m below the ground surface. Only in the 12th century to drain the soil here was built the gutter, and to the 16th century, the territory of the circus Maximus was turned into a kitchen garden for growing vegetables for sale. Interestingly, despite all these vicissitudes, many of the architectural elements of the stadium survived. So, in 1587, by order of Pope Sixtus V two antique obelisk were moved, and one of them set in Piazza del Popolo. In the mid 19th century during the construction works were extracted in the light of the lower rows of seats and an external portico, and since then excavations in the circus Maximus periodically take separate parts of the ancient structure. Today is a Big circus functions as a public Park in the heart of the city and is often used for concerts and entertainment events.

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