Palazzo di Giustizia Photo: Palazzo di Giustizia

Palazzo di Giustizia – the headquarters of the Supreme cassation court and the Law library in Rome in the Prati area. Facing the Piazza dei Tribunali and Piazza Cavour and in the side streets of via Triboniano and via Ulpiano. The Italians call it is a huge building Palazzaccio ("bad Palace").

Designed by the architect from Perugia Guglielmo Calderini and built between 1888 and 1910 years, Palazzo di Giustizia is considered one of the grandest creations of the time, when Rome was declared the capital of the Kingdom of Italy. The first stone in the Foundation of the Palace was laid in March, 1888, in the presence of Giuseppe Zanardelli, the Minister of justice, who insisted that the Palazzo was built in the prestigious Prati district, where it has housed many of the buildings of the court. And the official opening of the Palazzo was held in the presence of Victor Emmanuel II, king of Italy.

For alluvial soil of these places could sustain such a large building I had to build a massive platform of concrete. But, despite this, problems with the stability of the building began to occur immediately after completion of construction. It took even a thorough restoration, which was carried out in the 1970-ies.

Interestingly, during construction, during excavations on the site of the Foundation made several archaeological finds, including were found antique sarcophagi. In one of the sarcophagi discovered the skeleton of a young woman with amazing beauty doll ivory, which is now kept in the Museum "Antiquarium Comunale".

Huge size Palazzo di Giustizia, luxurious decor and a long construction period gave rise to rumors of corruption. In April 1912, the year has even created a special Commission to investigate these rumors – it was at that time the building became known popularly as Palazzaccio.

The Supreme court of cassation, whose architecture was influenced by the works of masters of the late Renaissance and Baroque, has a 170 m in length and is fully lined travertine marble. The facade, facing the Tiber, crowned with a large bronze Quadriga – antique two-wheeled chariot drawn by four horses. Quadriga, installed in 1926, the year, - the work of the sculptor from Palermo Ettore Jimenez. Ten statues of famous lawyers adorn the main facade and courtyard. And the upper part of the facade looking on to Piazza Cavour, decorated with a bronze coat of arms of the Savoy dynasty. Inside you can explore the Room of the Supreme Court – it is decorated with frescoes by Cesare Andrea McCurry and his disciple Paride pascucci.

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