The Palazzo Pamphili Photo: Palazzo Pamphili

The Palazzo Pamphili Palace, built between 1644 and 1650 years and facing in the direction of the Piazza Navona in Rome. Since 1920, the building housed the Embassy of Brazil in Italy, and in 1964 it became the property of the Federative Republic of Brazil.

In 1644 cardinal of Giambattista Pamphili, a member of a powerful family of Pamphili, which already owned the Palace between Piazza Navona and via Pasquino, became Pope innocent X. election to the throne appeared, and the desire to become the owner of more than an impressive building which would reflect the increased prestige of the family. Not have to wait long – it was bought for an appropriate plot of land, and the architect Girolamo Rainaldi received an order to develop the project of the Palazzo. Construction began in 1646. A new project was supposed to "absorb" in existing buildings, including the former Palace of the Pamphili family (on the decorations which worked Agostino Tassi) and Palazzo cibo.

In 1647 for consultation regarding the future appearance of the Palace was invited by Baroque architect Francesco Borromini, who made his proposals, however, the predominant remains of the original plans of Rinaldi, suggesting a fairly conservative design. The contribution of Borromini limited to creating stucco decorations in the main hall and decor gallery, located on the first floor. Completed the construction of the Palazzo Pamphili Carlo Rainaldi, son of Girolamo.

In 1651 the artist Pietro da Cortona undertook the painting of the arches of the gallery. His murals depict scenes from the life of Aeneas, the legendary founder of Rome according to the version of Virgil (the Pamphili family believed themselves to be descendants of Aeneas). Prior to that, Cortona worked on painting the Palazzo Barberini, where he is in his frescoes glorified predecessor innocent X Pope urban VIII. But unlike the Palazzo Barberini gallery of the Palazzo Pamphili was a long room with low ceilings, there could not be a single point, which would launch a review of all the frescoes. Therefore Cortona created a series of frescoes, placing them around a Central "Apotheosis of Aeneas". It is also worth noting that the rooms on the first floor of the Palace decorated with frescoes and friezes masters such as Giacinto Gemignani Gaspard Arc, Andrea Camassei, Giacinto brandi, etc.

New Palazzo Pamphili became home to the Olympia Maidalchini, unpopular wife's brother, innocent, who was a confidant of the Pope and his adviser, and, according to rumor - and lover.

It is interesting that in Rome there is another Palace of the same name – the Palazzo Doria Pamphili. For a long time – until the unification of families of Doria Pamphili and they were both known as the Palazzo Pamphili.

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