The Church of St. John the theologian on the ishna Photo: Church of St. John the Evangelist on ishna

The Church of St. John the theologian on the ishna is a rare monument of wooden architecture. It was erected in 1687 (1689),

Crossing Isny on the road from Rostov to Pereslavl-Zalessky from ancient times belonged to Avraamieva the monastery, and were charged for moving through it. Near the crossing was a wooden Church of St. John the theologian, with the construction which was famous in the history of the legend. It is associated with the life of the monk Abraham of Rostov, who founded the Abraham monastery of the Epiphany. This happened during the time of existence in these places of paganism, when most of the locals worshipped the idol God Veles. Abraham covered the devil's delusions, couldn't approach this stone idol. He prayed for a long time and finally, he was the elder, he advised the Reverend Abraham to go to Tsargrad (Constantinople) and pray in the Church of St. John the Evangelist. Abraham of Rostov were upset because he was going a long way, and, therefore, struggle with idolatry in Rostov he may not soon. But he Packed up and moved in a way. After crossing the river Ishnya, he met another old man, whom the monk told of their intentions, the old man handed him his staff and told to go to the idol of Veles, to overthrow his cane, so he scattered the ashes. This old man was John the Evangelist. Abraham did what he was told Holy. After that, the place where he met the Holy one, blessed Abraham built a temple in honor of St. John the Evangelist.

Presumably, the Church of St. John the theologian in the time of Troubles was burned, and for a time ravaged the village has lived without the Church (in the historical documents of the middle of the 17th century this place is designated as the village is theological, that is, a settlement that does not have its own Church).

Extant Theological temple was only built in the late 17th century It's a pretty advanced age for a wooden building that makes it unique and very valuable.

The present Church of St. John the theologian on ishna is a building that has one head and standing on a high basement, with the two sides it is encircled by a gallery. Previously, the South side also passed the gallery, it has not survived, but remained on the wall traces of its existence. From the West and the East in the annexes (Western prirub − entrance to the temple of the East altar) with large figural roof"barrels" that are covered with shingles.

The temple on the ishna is an example of the use of different kinds of jewelry, which the architects of those times could invent for wooden temple. The temple from the outside looks smooth and strong, inside amazing wealth of decoration. Here – and skating on the roof, and "tree", and the carved columns of wood and other decorative elements. Preserved in the temple even made of thick boards wooden door with an interesting castle.

The main value of the temple – unique Royal doors in the iconostasis, made in 1562 Today, these gates can be seen in the Rostov Museum. Deserves special attention and the iconostasis. Transoms, he was fully painted ornaments, and contains icons 16-18 centuries the Church's Bell tower was built in the 19th century and is connected to the transition with the gallery. Most likely, the southern part of the gallery was dismantled at the same time, so the high temple became a little lurch to one side. The temple is enclosed by a perimeter fence with brick columns.

The Church operated until the revolutionary events, the beautiful surroundings it has always attracted many artists. For example, here painted by V. V. Vereschagin. In 1913, the Church attended by the family of Emperor Nicholas II, as his way to Rostov.

In our day the Church of St. John the theologian on the ishna is not acting, she donated to the Museum and is protected on the territory near the temple it is forbidden to smoke and open fires.

Slender and tall wooden temple is clearly visible from the road, but upon closer examination it makes a tremendous impression.

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