The Mosque Tombol Photo: The Mosque Tombol

The mosque Tombul is the largest building in Bulgaria and one of the biggest on the Balkan Peninsula. Also known as Sherif Halil Pasha. Name – Tombul mosque received due to the special shape of its dome. The construction of the mosque was begun in 1740 and completed in 1744, and since 1975 the mosque is a monument of architecture and building skills.

The architecture of the mosque tangible influenced by the style of "Tulip", which originated in the early eighteenth century. To characterize this style can be most accurately if to say that it includes elements of French Baroque motifs.

The mosque Tombul and the complex of buildings around her, creating the largest in the country, Muslim temple, the architectural significance of which occupies the second position in the Balkans (the first mosque of Sultan Selim in Edirne, Turkey). In this complex of buildings with an area of 1730 sq. m harmoniously combined all the parts, which, in turn, interconnected courtyards.

Before entering the prayer hall, you need to pass through the antechamber decorated with high arches in the Moorish spirit. Open eve is also supported by four massive marble columns, and it is crowned with five domes.

The prayer hall is covered with belts of window openings, three of which are decorated with colorful stained glass. Complement the interior and exterior details in Baroque style. In the mosque Tombol there is a prayer room specifically for women, this allotted a balcony in the hall. Overall, in the prayer hall of the mosque is observed excellent acoustics because of the many pots of clay embedded in the walls and the dome. Walls are decorated with Arabic quotations from the Koran.

To the left of the prayer hall is located madrasah (secondary school of Muslims), where previously 12 space was occupied by students. On the top floor is the library, which had formerly kept the valuable works written in Persian and Arabic. There were maps of the Arab geographer, which were later deposited in the Sophia library St. Cyril and Methodius.

The height of the minaret is 40 meters on it are spiral 99 stone steps and a small balcony. In the arcade courtyard (so named because of the shape of its arches) is a fountain, where before prayer Muslims have taken to make ritual ablution.

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