Literary Museum by K. Balmont Photo: Literary Museum by K. Balmont

On Lenin Avenue, house 2 Shuya is the famous Literary Museum named after K. D. Balmont. This Museum became the first in Russia that is truly able to reflect not only the fate and work of the great poet of the Silver age, but his legacy, revealing the historical development of his homeland.

The basis of the Museum Fund is a rich collection of local history Museum, which was opened on 1 January 1968 in accordance with the idea of city residents. A large number of residents transferred to the Museum family curiosities and private collections that initiated the formation of one of the largest Museum collections throughout the Ivanovo region.

The location of the Museum can be attributed to the Central part of the city, namely to the area of the previously existing tenements not far from the Kremlin. Today preserved earthen shaft, and the water area of the ditch is represented by fragments of the fortifications of the ancient city, the very first mention of which can be found in the framework of the Nikon chronicle 1539 by reason of ruin Shui Khan Safa Giray.

The Museum building with its extraordinary architecture, because in his view you can see two periods of construction. The main part presents the typical urban construction stone, Dating from the early 19th century. At the end of 1898, the question was raised about the remodeling of the existing space, not really suited for such a beautiful city. In the construction Department of the provincial administration of Vladimir was a plan of adjustment of the left and right wing and the front porch. The work lasted between 1904 and 1906. The Museum building has retained its luxurious decoration in the form of trim and two-tone tent.

Distinctive and the internal layout of the building, which exposes the Grand staircase that invites you to enter numerous visitors for the purpose of familiarization with the exposition.

The most popular was the local history collection, a traditional part of which is natural-scientific collection, which is reflected in the natural section enjoying unbelievably high popularity not only among adults but also in children. The exhibition presents birds, insects, and animals that occur on the territory of Shuya district; and is quite a rare representatives of the local fauna.

The important place occupies a unique collection of elk antlers, which at the time was given as a gift to the Museum from the experienced hunter B. A. Healthy. Here are a large Zoological collection numbering unit 541 bird's eggs, 883 units butterflies, 57 units of cones – it was a gift from the inquisitive Explorer of nature – tseplyaeva Ivan Petrovich.

The Museum has a historic collection that can not be imagined without the genuine materials describing the development of the city and its inhabitants. The exposition is called "Shua in the historical development of the Russian state" and is an attempt to sanctify the main stages of development of the provincial population on the example of the important events of Russian society.

Collection "Shuya in the 17th century" is quite small, as represented here things are very rare. It's important to the portrait, owned by the nun Martha, who was the mother of Romanov Mikhail Fedorovich. You can consider the monthly customs seal, the cross, called "Nikita-bezogen", a book of worship "pentecostarion", and many other notable things.

The most remarkable collection is the art collection, which stands at the origins collector, actress and philanthropist Mazurova Ekaterina Yakovlevna. The majority of the Soviet people know this actress known for films such as "When trees were big", "Gentlemen of fortune" and others. This woman throughout her life was practically inseparable from creativity, which is dedicated to this meeting. The collection contains paintings: "portrait of a woman", "Old woman", "Male portrait" and others.

Literary collection presents unique items belonging to the Poet, including the library, documents and all of its publications.

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