Regional Museum of Northern Ladoga Photo: Regional Museum of Northern Ladoga

Currently only in Sortavala, the Museum is a Regional Museum of Northern Ladoga". It was founded in 1992, in the building of the former estate of Dr. winter. The manor itself is a historical monument. It was built in 1903 for a famous Finnish surgeon and public figure. Currently the estate entered in the register of historical and cultural monuments of the Republic of Karelia. The facades and interior of the building was preserved in its original form. The Museum was named so because at the time of creation was the only one in the North Ladoga area.

The activities of the Museum is the collection and storage of local history exhibits, research and popularization, as new discoveries and existing exhibits. Even the scientific staff of the Museum spend sightseeing and touring activities, lectures and consultations on matters of local history, and organize cultural events.

The first exhibits in the Museum collection steel household items, paintings, drawings and Ethnography, which was brought from Valaam state historical-architectural Museum-reserve. Gradually, the Museum is filled with exhibits from museums schools nearby villages and Sortavala College.

Currently exhibitions of the Museum present the history of North Ladoga, since ancient times – about 2 million years ago to the 1960-ies. Here are the various collections. It's written records, paintings, drawings, procardia, numismatics, Ethnography. The age of objects collected by the Museum from the 18th century to the present time.

Among the natural science collections of the most interesting and complete is a collection of minerals. The Museum organized a special expedition, which was significantly increased geological collection. The rock samples located in the North Ladoga area, these are different kinds of marble: Ruskeala and Owensboro, granite. There is also a stone of Sortavala, the so-called "special" which was named after the city, and therefore unique. In addition to local samples in this collection included the minerals and rocks of Karelia, Russia, or other countries. The collection includes more than 400 items.

During expeditions for the collection of exhibits in the district were found unique items such as the tip of the spear, Dating back to the 18th century, the bell, which in the 17th century gave the city itself Swedish king Gustav II Adolf, fragments of ancient Swedish armor, armour 12th century.

The Museum has five exhibition halls, which reflect the history of the town of Sortavala. In one of the halls you can learn a lot about the architecture of the city and region. In another room you can see the history of landscape development in the lake Ladoga area, learn many interesting things about the natural resources of the land and about his nature, about earthquakes, meteorites and ancient volcanoes. A separate exposition tells about the history of Sortavala on what people lived here in ancient times, grew and developed the area.

Very interesting collection of household items – these are items 19-20 century. The exhibition includes clothing, spinning wheels, loom, toys made of birch bark, copper and wooden utensils. The scientific staff has prepared an interesting story about the life of people in Border Karelia. Experts have collected information about various local bradah century: weddings, births and funerals. A separate exhibition hall "country School", dedicated to the students. The exhibition presents more than 200 authentic objects: antique school Desk, samples of paper and ink, paperclips, pens, books and textbooks, drawing instruments, and more.

In addition to exhibitions, the Museum provides educational services. Scientists give lectures about the life of the ancient inhabitants of Karelia, about history, about people's holidays and customs, architecture, culture and art of the peoples of the region. The Museum organizes various theme nights, meetings and competitions. It's not just a Museum, it is a lively cultural center of Sortavala.

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