Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery Photo: the monastery of the Transfiguration

Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery is located to the North-East of the city of Staraya Russa, refers to the Novgorod diocese. Stands on the Polist river, near its right Bank. At first the monastery was called "in Ruse on the tenements", then Spassky and Transfiguration.

In ancient times he was acting and was called to serve as a refuge for the peasants. The monastery was founded during the reign of Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich. First mentioned in the Novgorod chronicle belong to 1192. In Chronicles refers to the Foundation of the monastery by Abbot Martyrii (died in 1199). Later it became known as Rusanen, since he himself was a native of Russa. At first he built a small wooden Church in honor of the Transfiguration. But soon there was a fire, and the wooden Church burned down.

In 1193, already in the rank of Archbishop, martyrius the burnt Church ordered to build a new stone Church. The Archbishop of martyrius was consecrated on the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. In the mid-15th century it was almost completely dismantled and rebuilt. In the late 17th and early 19th centuries, it also repeatedly rebuilt. In the future, the monastery would oftentimes attacks by Lithuanians and Swedes. In the early 17th century in the monastery on its territory one stood a wooden Church and two stone. Inside the temples were rich decoration and precious Church utensils. Near temples was built the bell tower. After the Swedish attack the monastery was ruined. In 1628-1630-ies, it was restored and expanded. The main Church was rebuilt, next built, except for those that were, three other stone temple.

By the end of the thirties of the 18th century on the territory of the monastery there were three stone Church, one of which had a kitchen, the refectory and the pantry, as well as the bell tower, the room with archimandritis, fraternal, hospital and living cells, various outbuildings. Around the monastery was built fence. In the 18th century for the monastery were attributed to other monasteries: Kosmodemianski, Leohnovsky, Creches Nikolaev. At the same time in the Holy Transfiguration monastery introduced Archimandrite.

In the early 19th century in the monastery was founded a religious school. In this regard, in 1892, the College was transferred to the Nativity Church. Were built some stone buildings and a stone wall with small towers. The main entrance was located on Alexander street, where the South gate and the Church of All Saints on them, which was later abolished.

In 1880-1890-ies was the construction of a new Cathedral in honor of the old Russian Icon of the Mother of God. The icon was returned to the town in 1888. Prior to that, in 1570, the Shrine was Tikhvin. Also built several new buildings of stone. On the Eastern side of the monastery is the garden and the cemetery, where it was allowed to bury the famous people of the city, although for a fee.

In 20-ies of the 20 century, the monastery was abolished. Despite this, the majority of the buildings remained intact. But later in the years of Soviet rule and world war II the monastery was badly damaged. In 1930, the bell tower was removed spire, and a year and bells. The belfry is one of the few remaining samples of the pillars of the temple under the bells.

During the Second World war there was a German military commander's office. The war caused great damage to the buildings of the monastery. Many buildings were destroyed, and the remaining buildings badly damaged. So some time later, after the war, in the 60 years the monastery was restored. After that, there was opened the Museum.

Today the ensemble of the monastery includes four stone Church, two stone buildings of the 19th century and the skeleton of the old Russian Cathedral of the icon of the Mother of God. After its rebuilding in the 20th century it housed a sports school.

Earlier in the temple there were many relics, among which were the relics of fifty saints. Today, their whereabouts are unknown. Was also valuable utensils, old gospel, crosses and icons.

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