Estate Sukhanovs-Sumovska Photo: Manor Sukhanovs-Sumovska

Estate Sukhanovs-Sumovska located in the town of Sumy in the street Peter and Paul, is a beautiful two-storey building of palatial, built in 1895 by local philanthropist and entrepreneur N. And. Sukhanov. Family Sukhanovs was the richest among the company of merchants and Industrialists.

In the early 90-ies of the 19th century at the corner of the Duma (now may day) and Paul Sumy merchant of the second Guild Sukhanov began construction of the estate, which consisted of three buildings: the main two-storey residential building with architectural ornaments, long one-story building and office building with basement. The main building was connected by an underground passage with the office with loft, designed in neo-Renaissance style. In 1895 the estate was equipped with the latest, at the time, appliances and even electric lighting. After some time, the estate was sold to the family of I. A. Sumovska, which was one of the Directors of the company Belgorod-Sumy railway.

After the October revolution the estate Sukhanovs-Sumovska noticed the Bolsheviks. In the end, it was occupied by the Sumy headquarters of the red Army. In the Soviet period in a residential house and office were located by the city party Committee, and in building long – kindergarten playgrounds and sandpits.

In the mid 90-ies of the 20th century, the premises of the office began to crack under the offices of various firms and organizations. Now in the premises of the manor Sukhanovs-Sumovska hosted service Academy of banking, Institute of applied physics and one of the units of the organized crime control Department. In the library of the banking Academy of the exposition "Sukhanov in Sumy", which tells about the life and philanthropy of the family Sukhanovs.

To this day remained an underground passage between the two-storey dwelling house and office. Found in the building of the famous paintings are now stored in Sumy regional art Museum.

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