Museum of local lore Photo: Museum of local Lore

Local lore Museum of the city of Sumy, located on the street of Kirov, was founded in 1920 Originally, the Museum was called art history. But after 19 years, the art collection was transferred to the Museum of art, on the basis of ethnographic, historical, natural, archaeological collections was created Museum.

In the second half of the 20th century, the Museum moved into the former building of the district Council, erected in 1886, It has the status of sights of history and architecture and is considered one of the most striking structures in the city.

The solution its quite original. To cut the corner of the square adjacent semi-circular tower-like ledge raised above the main volume, completed dome. Primarily attracts attention by its unusual tower, which is the main facade of the building. The first floor of the Central tower is a five flattened arches with pillars, over which are placed wide architraves with lion masks. On the second floor of the protrusions of the pylons that serve as pedestals, installed four caryatids that support easy third-floor balcony, is decorated with exquisite openwork metal balcony railings.

The third floor of the tower has a great set of eaves and stucco details, paired tall Windows along the perimeter of the tower alternate with niches and pilasters. Over a wide cornice supported by brackets, rises the dome. More restrained side facades are pleasing to the eye the correct proportions.

Today in the collections of the Sumy regional Museum holds more than 44 thousand exhibits, among them – ethnographic, numismatic, paleontological, archaeological collections, as well as valuable historical documents, rare editions of books, Newspapers, postcards, flags, posters, weapons, memorabilia, furniture, utensils and other gatherings of unique items.

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