Academic drama theatre. V. Savina Photo: Academic drama theatre. V. Savina

State academic drama theatre of a name of Victor Savin is located in the Komi Republic in Syktyvkar on Pervomayskaya street, 56. This theater was the oldest of all existing theatres of the Republic of Komi. In the past, the theatre some time not worked due to global and large-scale reconstruction, but the fall in November 2009, the drama theatre of the Komi ASSR again continued its work.

The Foundation of the theatre took place on 8 October 1930. He passed a long and difficult path, starting from a troupe of Amateur actors, which was collected and arranged by Victor Savin and ending with the first, already professional team. But not only high professionalism prevails in this theater. Today is a unique bilingual troupe which repertoire knows no bounds, than constantly pleases many loyal viewers. Modern drama theatre of the Republic of Komi is one of the most important centers of artistic and spiritual culture, which spread in the vast North of Russia, because it is on the stage of this theatre there were many performances of Russian and world classics, including plays national playwrights of the Republic of Komi.

The first acting troupe was organized in 1918. The head of the troupe Victor Savin was chosen as the first performance, a drama called "Big wine". Production took place in the winter of 1919 and was enthusiastically received by the audience. Two years later he formed Segontium" theatre Association, Director and head of which was V. A. Savin. The Association has existed for more than eight years, after which it became necessary to create a troupe of professional actors.

During 1930 were carried out monthly courses devoted to the theatrical arts. The courses were invited composer Golitsyn and Director Bersenev, who conducted the training of artists. It was at this time the theatre got its first name indicative Guidance mobile theatre of Komi, which started the development of the performances from the 8th of October 1930, which was the date of its Foundation. In 1932 at the theater began to appear professional artists, including experienced art Director in the person of V. P. elections graduate of the Academy of arts in Leningrad.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Regional Executive Committee of the Komi Republic dated 14 June 1936 was the beginning of the formation of the Regional plant. It attracts graduates of the Leningrad theatre Academy – Ermolin S. I., Tarabukina A. S., Capes, P. A., Zin, A. G., Popov I. N. and many others. Thus, there is a confluence of graduates from vocational College and his troupe of Amateurs under the guidance Khodyreva with the formation of the Komi drama theatre. The first joint product was the play presented in the summer of 1936, entitled "Yegor Bulychev", which opened its first theater season.

27 October 1980, according to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Komi drama theatre was awarded the Order of Friendship of peoples. Two years before this event, the theater was named Savina, and then in 1995 he was awarded the title "academic".

At the moment in the drama theatre has a strong leading the troupe of talented artists. Among the huge number of the most talented actors are: Trebelhorn Alexander – people's artist of Russia, Mikova Galina and Viktor Gradov – honored artists of the Russian Federation, gabova Faith – honoured artist of the Republic of Komi and Jankov Igor, Mikhail Lipin, Vladimir Kuzmin, Tamnava Tatyana, Andrey Tretyakov, and many others. Artistic Director of the drama theatre is vyrypayev Tatiana – honoured cultural worker of Russia.

Among the most successful and accepted by spectators may be noted performances: "Romance" by Edmond Rostand, "hamlet" by William Shakespeare, "Bloody destiny" Garcia Lorca, "the mistress," Nina Sadur, "Very simple story" Mary Lado, "Wedding dowry" Nicholas Dyakonov and many other productions.

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