Monument Photo: the Monument "romance with a double bass"

"Romance with a double bass" - the sculpture, created by sculptor Dmitry Ladygin based on the story by A. P. Chekhov. The monument was opened in Taganrog in September 2008. To find the monument is easy: it is necessary from the city centre to move in the direction of the other attractions in Taganrog – the Stone staircase, go down it to the monument to A. S. Pushkin on Pushkin embankment and continue the way to the sea through the alley. The original monument, stands on landscaped grounds, and you surely will find it.

For those who haven't read the novel But.P.Chekhov's "romance with a double bass", the guide will certainly tell you a short summary. And the essence of a memorable history - the prototype of the story of the sculptural composition is that once a musician-bassist was invited with friends to play music in a private family mansion. Its a tool not an easy call, and on the road on a hot day, the musician came up with the brilliant idea to swim in the river, by which he passed. The shore was deserted, and he bathed keeping all of dry, leaving the tool on the shore. At the same time a certain young girl-woman, ubivshii fish nearby also decided to cool off in such a secluded location. To their misfortune the thieves pulled off the clothes of the bathers, and they both ended up in a sticky situation. As a gentleman and man thin soul musician proposed to save the girl from an awkward situation by offering her to hide in case the bass, while he will look for thieves and clothing. Unsuspecting musician friends saw the bass on the shore and took him with them, by the way surprised at its great weight. Imagine their surprise when at the cottage they opened the box and in the clearing there was a young girl in the costume of eve!

The sculptural composition depicted the final scene of the novel in the form of peeking out of the case to the bass a young girl. The sculpture not only exquisitely made, but typical, creative, causing a kind smile in everyone who met her.

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