National Park Gunung Palung Photo: national Park Gunung Palung

National Park Gunung Palung is located on the island of Borneo. The island of Borneo is the largest island in Asia and ranks third among the largest Islands in the world. The Indonesian version of the name of the island of Kalimantan.

National Park Gunung Palung is located in the province of East Kalimantan, near the town of Ketapang. History of the national Park begins in 1937, when its area is 300 sq km, fully planted with trees, was declared a protected area. In 1981, the reserve has expanded and reached 900 sq km, the reserve received the status of "wildlife". And in March 1990, the reserve became a national Park.

The Park covers and mangroves (evergreen deciduous forests, common in the tropics or growing in the strip of sea coasts), and swamp forests. Visitors can enjoy the beauty and pristine mountain forests. The national Park is the only one of the few parks in the world, which has remained a genus of arboreal of the great apes – orangutans. In 1994 a project was launched to study this species of monkeys. In 1985 the national Park was established a research station for a more thorough examination of the biology of forests of Borneo. In 2007, the center had been repaired. One time in the Park was illegal logging, the government actively struggling with this problem, and for the illegal felling of forests should be severely punished.

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