Lake Naujan Photo: Lake Naujan

Lake Naujan is the fifth largest lake in the Philippines located in the northeastern part of the province of Oriental Mindoro. The total area of the lake Naujan, part of the homonymous national Park, about 8125 hectares On the shores of lake city are Naujan, Victoria, Socorro, and Floor, and to the North is mount Naujan. You can get here from the city of Calapan on the bus or car. The distance from Calapan is just 34 km away

The national Park "Lake Naujan" was founded in 1956. Here there are an incredible number of bird species, including the Philippine duck, tufted duck, spotted and Royal pigeons Mindoro, cockatoos, cuckoo, Hornbill, ashy thrush, and others. Such a variety of birds makes the lake one of the most important ornithological regions of the country. From January to March there are going to thousands of migrating birds, to observe which is visited by hundreds of tourists, lovers of birdwatching. And in the waters of the lake are inhabited by rare species of fish.

The Park itself is absolutely adorable and its nature, primarily the emerald waters of the lake in the lowland shores of which rice is grown. Local people catch in the lake is the fish, this may be engaged with any visitor of the Park. In addition, local gather on the shores of lake Bush branches "scirpus", then weave baskets and other utensils. The products of the crafts you can buy as a souvenir. Could be interesting thematic tour, during which talks about the role of lake Naujan in the lives of people, their interaction and the protection of the fragile ecosystem of the lake. Such tours can be booked in Calapan or Puerto Galera.

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