The APO Reef Photo: APO Reef

A huge coral Reef APO spread over an area of 34 sq km. off the coast of Western Mindoro. It is the second largest reef in the world and the largest in the Philippines. The whole territory of the reef and its surrounding waters are part of the national Park with an area of 274 sq km Initially, the reef was protected in 1980 in the composition of the marine Park, then local authorities declared it a "special tourist zone", and in 1996 established a national Park. In 2006, the Philippine Department of environment and natural resources has applied to the UNESCO Committee on the inclusion of APO reef in the world heritage list. Since 2007, the Park prohibits fishing of any kind.

The reef consists of two systems separated by a channel depth of about 30 meters. On site registered several ecosystems – in addition to colonies of corals, of which there are 400-500 species, and marine algae here you can see the mangroves. In waters inhabited by sharks, manta rays and stingrays, not to mention the hundreds of species of tropical fish and invertebrates. Today, the APO reef is one of the most popular places for diving in the vicinity of Mindoro, and some call him the best in Asia.

In the Eastern part of the reef system is the so-called Shark Ridge – an underwater ridge that stretches to a depth of 25 meters. It is common to see white tip and blacktip sharks and rays. Another interesting dive site – the Wall Binungan, which scurry around gorgonian, groupers, skarbye fish and huge tuna. And the Northern parts of the reef are covered with water to a depth of 900 meters! There are very strong currents. To the West of the main reef lies a small APO island, and near it the Rock island Hunters, around which in June and July thousands of sea snakes to produce offspring.

To get to APO reef is easiest by air flight from Manila to San Jose in the province of Western Mindoro in 45 minutes. From San Jose you need a bus to get to town Sablan (the journey takes about 2 hours), and from there by boat to the reef.

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