Exhibition hall of the Russian ethnographic Museum Photo: Exhibition hall of the Russian ethnographic Museum

Exhibition hall of the Russian ethnographic Museum is located on the street on January 9, in the former building of Shopping malls, the architectural monument of the second half of the 19th century. In the Exhibition hall presents three exhibitions: "History under your feet", "walking through the old Torzhok", "Torzhok frontline".

The first exhibition based on the archaeological materials and introduces visitors to the history of the city, talks about different aspects of Torzhok in the middle Ages. The visitors opened the reconstructed dwelling of the Neolithic era and a rare collection of birch-bark, on which the city of Novgorod and Staraya Russa ranks third. Among these historical documents – thousandth of a diploma, certificate with part of the work is "Word of wisdom" thinker of Ancient Russia of the 12th century Cyril of Turov. Also of interest are the arms of the 12-13th centuries, which remind about the defense of Torzhok from the troops of Batu Khan in 1238. Here presents and household items and crafts of Torzhok 12-14 centuries. Guests of the Exhibition hall using a specially equipped booth may make excavations and to establish the age of their findings.

The exhibition entitled "walking through the old Torzhok" talks about morals, life, lessons of Novatorov in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Start the walk from the station, then she goes to the streets and squares of the city and ends at the main place of recreation for residents of Torzhok – urban Boulevard. Along the way, visitors can look into the shops or to visit residents of the old Torzhok.

Third exposition is devoted to the great Patriotic war. With the beginning of the battle of Moscow, from October 1941, Torzhok two years became a frontier city. It was almost completely destroyed by systematic bombing of the enemy. Residents of Torzhok managed to survive all the most complex and dramatic events that took place during the war: bombing, General mobilization, forced labor in the rear, the construction of defensive structures. In the exhibition one can see the recreated office of the chief of the military Commissariat of the city, a unique film and photographs showing the appearance of the city after saturation bombing by German aircraft. The course focuses on the Hall of military glory, dedicated to the Victory and to the inhabitants of Torzhok, who walked the difficult road of war.

In the same building there is a hall for temporary exhibitions of the most diverse thematic focus.

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