The Abbey Of St. Maximin Photo: Abbey Of St. Maximin

The Abbey Of St. Maximian was founded in the 4th century and is one of the oldest in Western Europe, and the most influential Benedictine monastery in Trier. Unfortunately, numerous wars, fires and destruction are not allowed to keep the convent's buildings in their original form.

Founded Trier Bishop Maximin, the monastery was originally dedicated to Saint John the theologian. Here in 336 St. Maximin gave asylum to the exiled Athanasius the Great. After the death of Maximinus in 353 year his remains were moved to Trier and buried in the monastery Church, and the monastery was named St. Maximin. Ancient sarcophagus, where lay his body has been preserved and exhibited in the courtyard.

In the 6th century, the monastery was reorganized into the Abbey of the Benedictines, and later received the status of an Imperial Abbey. In the following centuries, the monastery was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt according to the original plan. In 1674, was completely demolished by the French, and later rebuilt by the architect Franz Nisius of Kukista. These structures, namely the entrance portal and the Church of St. Maximinus, partially preserved to this day.

Since the early 19th century, the monastery was used as barracks, prisons and schools. Bombing of Trier during the Second world war, the buildings of the Abbey were again destroyed. Today in the restored buildings is the concert hall with 1200 seats and a private Catholic school.

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