Troy Photo: Troy

Troy — a city described in Homer's poem the Iliad, is an ancient fortified settlement of Asia Minor, situated near the shores of the Aegean sea, near the entrance to the Dardanelles. While vacationing in Turkey, do not miss the chance to see this Grand city and again to recall the events described by Homer. In the ruins of Troy, you can visit several archaeological zones of specific cultural backgrounds, and to learn the features of everyday life of the people inhabiting this earth.

Excavation of the ancient city began in 1870 by the German Amateur archaeologist and businessman Heinrich Schliemann. From childhood he was fascinated by the story of Troy and was convinced of the existence of this settlement. Excavations began on the hillside, near the village of Hissarlik. Were discovered the ruins of nine cities that are located one below the other. Archaeologist found a large number of items made of bone, stone, copper and precious metals. In the depths of the hill Heinrich Schliemann came across a very ancient fortress, which confidently called hail Priam. After the death of Schliemann in 1890 work was continued by his colleague Wilhelm Dorpfeld. In 1893 and 1894, he unearthed a vast perimeter of Troy VI. This city belongs to the Mycenaean era and because it was found Homer's Troy. The grounds of this cultural layer, bearing evident traces of fire, now being the most intensive excavations.

In ancient times Troy has played a leading role in the region, both from the military and from an economic point of view. She had a large fortress and defensive Fort on the beach, which gave her the opportunity to monitor the movement of ships across the Hellespont and road connecting Asia and Europe on land. The Governor of the city levied smuggled goods tax or even didn't pass them. This led to numerous conflicts in the region, which began in the bronze age. Economic and cultural ties connected the city of Troy that period with the East and with the West and the Aegean civilization. The city has been inhabited almost continuously for three and a half millennia.

Through archaeological excavations, it is known that most of the buildings of Troy were built on low stone foundations and walls were built of mud brick. When the buildings collapsed, the debris was cleared, but only leveled the place for the erection of new buildings. In the ruins of Troy distinguish 9 main layers having their units. Features of settlements of different eras can be characterized as follows.

The first city was a small fortress, the diameter of which does not exceed 90 meters. The building had a strong defensive wall with square towers and gates. Pottery of this period has a polished surface gray or black in color and is executed without using a Potter's wheel. Found tools made of copper.

On the ruins of the first castle was built a great citadel with a diameter of about 125 meters. She also had high, thick walls, gates and tower speakers. To the South-Eastern side of the castle led ramp. Defensive double-wall was restored and expanded with the increasing power and wealth of the city. In the center of the fortress ruins of the Palace with a beautiful portico and huge main room. The Palace was surrounded by a courtyard with a small living quarters and warehouses. Seven stages of existence of Troy II was formed by the overlapping of the other architectural layers. At the last stage of the settlement were killed in so strong a flame that his heat stone and brick crumbled and turned to dust. Judging by the large number of found values and household items that the fire was sudden and the inhabitants of the city not done anything to bring with you.

The settlement of Troy III, IV and V consist of clusters of small houses, separated from each other by narrow streets. Each size is superior to the previous one. These periods are represented by vessels with stucco images of a human face. Along with local products discovered and imported products peculiar to the Greek mainland.

The first stages of settlement VI marked with evidence of horses. At this time the city was extremely rich and powerful. The diameter of its fortress exceed 180 m, and the width of the wall, built of hewn stone, was about 5 meters. Around the perimeter of the citadel was located at least four gates and three towers. Inside the site in concentric circles was located in large buildings and palaces, rising on terraces to the center of the hill. By the end of this era became very strong earthquake that cracks covered the walls and brought down the structure. At all subsequent stages of Troy VI the main type of local pottery production remained grey Minoan pottery, complete with several amphorae imported from Greece and vessels imported from the Mycenaean epoch.

Later, this area was inhabited again. Again were used in the remaining parts of the walls and building blocks. Now the house was already built smaller in size, they clung to each other, so that the fortress could fit a lot more people. In the floors of houses are now stored in two large jars for supplies in case of any disasters. The first period of Troy VII was burned, but part of the population came back and settled on the hill. Later residents joined a different tribe that brought made without a Potter's wheel ceramics, which indicates the connection of Troy with Europe. Now it became a Greek city. Troy was quite comfortable in the first period, but by the 6th century BC part of the population left the city and it fell into disrepair. On the southwest slope of the Acropolis the remains of the temple of Athena of the time.

In the Hellenistic period this place played no role, except for the associated memories of the heroic past. In 334 BC Alexander the Great made a pilgrimage to this city. His successors and the Roman emperors of the Julio – Klavdiev conducted a large-scale reconstruction of the city. The top of the hill were cut and lined so that VI, VII and VIII of the layers of Troy was mixed. They had built a temple of Athena with the sacred precinct. A little further South, on flat ground, were built and walled public buildings, and on the northeast slope was built Grand theatre. In the era of Constantine the Great, the city flourished and the ruler was even going to make it the capital, but the village again lost its importance with the rise of Constantinople.

In our days the area around Troy has changed beyond recognition. Silty sediments of local rivers flowing into the Bay, moved the coastline for several kilometers to the North. Now the ruins of the ancient city are found on dry upland. A group of scientists conducted the Dating of fossils was discovered in the soil taken from the valley of the two rivers using radiocarbon Dating methods. From these data, the researchers were able to determine the topography of the area in the era of Homer.

Now on the area of the excavation was completed the restoration of the famous Trojan horse and tourists visiting Turkey has a unique opportunity to examine this wooden masterpiece, exactly matching the description of Homer. Trojan horse that once cunning helped the Achaeans to capture the city, now is an original panoramic Playground. Unfortunately, in addition to the layout of the horse, there is little that can attract the eye of the traveler. It is believed that this place is one of the greatest tales in the world, so will be sufficient just to soak up this atmosphere.

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