Assumption Church in Zavidovo Photo: Church of the assumption in Zavidovo

Assumption Church in Zavidovo is mentioned in the census book of 1623-1624, Klin County. The Church was of stone and had two altars: in honor of the Archangel Michael and Nicholas.

Numerous rebuilding of this temple for a long time made it impossible to determine when it was built. Obviously, the assumption Church was built between 1610 and early 1620's.. In this period, stone-built churches in the villages were rare. For construction in Zavidovo stone Church, probably a special reason. For example, the relationship Zavidovo with the clergy of the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin and participation in the construction of the Church of Saint Arsenios Lessonsare, who had the title of Archbishop of the Archangel, he also managed attributed to the Archangel Cathedral villages and hamlets.

The Dormition Church architecture typical for Russian architecture of the late 16th - first half of the 17th century. Today, the Church looks very different than it looked when Archbishop Arseny. Its new look was the result of rearrangements produced in 1850-1860, when was changed the decor of the quadrangle, and to it was added a new dvuhfigurnaya refectory.

Church of the Dormition of the mother of God is in the midst of the village, in the center of the cemetery. From the St. Petersburg temple road is separated by a small grove.

The temple consists of the altar (apse), the refectory and the Church (quadrangle). The quadrangle – pillarless double-height, square, ends with five domes. The entrance to the temple from the South side framed by a small porch. The Eastern side of the quadrangle is adjacent semicircular altar apse and the Western – almost square refectory with beveled corners, its width is 2 times the width of the quadrangle. The refectory roof is hipped and ends with the head mounted on a square base.

The temple facades are decorated with white-stone, brick and plaster details. Average of the curtain walls of the refectory and of the quadrangle is completed keel corbel arches. Brick walls are plastered.

Inside the temple the walls are covered with paintings on the theme of events in the life of the blessed virgin. At the base of the arches of the square – resonator holes, are inserted into cladc to improve the acoustics of the temple.

Probably in the 1620s, when the Dormition Cathedral in the scribe mentioned in the book, St. Nicholas and St. Michael the thrones of the assumption Church was not inside the temple, and in the small side altars of the churches, which were added to the South-East and North-East corners of the main temple.

Initially, the lower tier of the quadrangle was covered by six Windows – three on the South and North facades. Now West Windows closed columns which flank the apse chapels, located in the refectory of the 19th century three-step contours of the upper window –proportional, light and elegant. The original parts were replaced by a massive sills and ogee-shaped casings. At the top of the quadrangle survived without damage and changes in a complex cornice, which consists of crackers, belts panels and curbs. Also survived and floor cornice with simple profile at the level of the window sills, ceiling light.

During one of the renovations appeared in the refectory door with a massive porch. According to experts, as a result of numerous reconstructions of 18th-19th centuries the Church was lost most of the innovative features that were on the arch of the quadrangle. Builders eliminated the upper rows of corbel arches, retaining the lower tier, reduced lateral dimensions of the heads and lowered them to the vaulted ceilings, violating the original proportions of the building.

Dome – bright blue. From the gate to the porch of the Church of the assumption – straight track on the sides of which are ancient tombstones (some date back to the 18th century). On the West wall of the Church – the image of Michael the Archangel and the prophet Elijah, are reminiscent of the refectory and dedications of chapels.

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