Museum of myths and superstitions of the Russian people Photo: the Museum of myths and superstitions of the Russian people

Museum of myths and superstitions of the Russian people is located in Uglich, in the street on January 9. This Museum was created by Daria Alien and Alexander Galanova as a creative workshop. To enter here you need to know the password (humorous, of course): "We are friends". In this apartment are collected all known in Russia the "evil spirits". In autumn 2000, Daria and Alexander, natives of Petersburg, he moved to live in the Outback and opened his Studio in an old wooden two-story house. The first visitors to a unique exhibition was on the threshold of the workshop-Museum on Christmas eve 2001.

This home Museum is the characters that are familiar to all on fairy tales and legends. Here you can see and Baba Yaga, and the ghoul, and the ghoul, and the devil; different creatures from Russian mythology: the bird Sirin, pitch, Goblin, hobgoblin. Daria Stranger all of them are made from wax, and in full size. She sewed dolls costumes, she stuffed stuffed birds. The appearance of all the characters recreated according to the legends, books, manuscripts, legends, brought from ethnographic expeditions. Based on this first sketches were created, and then the figures of those characters that inspired our ancient ancestors fear and respect.

Room interiors, contains the images of the characters of the national epic, I repeat completely the ancient peasant dwelling. Here you can see all those attributes, without which it is impossible to imagine the old Russian hut. In the porch are agricultural and working tools, chests, such as those in which the stored reserves, kinki, rocker, baskets, mats, pots, tueski, caskets. Everywhere here – vintage kitchen utensils, amulets, talismans, bundles of herbs, elegantly embroidered towels, brooms, mirrors, spinning wheels, furniture and other items reminiscent of the past.

The stands of the Museum acquaint visitors with archaeological finds. This diverse collection of long out of everyday things surprises and delights guests of the Museum.

In the library of the Museum you can find the articles on local history, popular science and scientific work and publications.

In this Museum you can take an unusual excursion into the world of folk rites and celebrations, to learn a lot about ancient gods, beliefs, shamans and Magi, to get acquainted with the ancient esoteric practices, listen to the interpretation of fairy tales and folk tales, discover a lot about amulets and talismans, signs and methods of healing from various ailments time-tested ways, to get acquainted with many popular as well as rare fortune. For the ancient Slavs these beliefs were part of their lives and gave answers to most questions of existence.

Modern man often treats mythology as a story. But nevertheless, even today, we sometimes spit over your left shoulder, knock on wood, I am afraid that a black cat crosses us. This created by the hands of creative people, the Museum helps us to understand what our ancestors did it where you came from conspiracies, sayings, stories, little stories, that is, the Museum introduces guests to the history of superstition, living in the memory of the people of ancient Russian culture, customs, way of life of the Slavs.

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