Museum of the working horse Photo: Museum of the working horse

Museum of the working horse is located in the village Ivashkovo Uglich district. It offers its visitors to see and learn about the history, life, breeds of horses, about the role played by the horse in the life of the peasants, and to participate in a unique show and to see a horse that knows how to draw.

The Museum was created on the initiative Daria Stranger, his idea builds upon the horses. The history of the working horse is, in fact, the history of Russia with its fabulous and heroic epic horses – the Russians, Vladimir, Soviet heavyweights as well as unique breeds - Bashkir, Vyatka, Yakut, Altai and others that have almost disappeared.

At the courtyard of "Another world" and currently lives nine horses. Each of them has its own history, and not always successful. Someone is sad. A horse named Sonja she – love. In Tutaev from Belarus it was necessary to bring the stallion, but he flatly refused to go without mares – he even chopped up two conenose in the Board in protest. When he was next to Sonya, he immediately calmed down and went on the road. But in Tutaev the receiving party could not take on the maintenance of two animals at once, so Sonia went to Ivashkovo.

Some horses, the owners of the Museum of the working horse Daria Stranger and her husband Alexander had acquired, through the forum of the society for the protection of horses "Equalp". Animals in the Museum is a manual and very affectionate and sociable. Them safe to touch and even iron. But they are all individual, each has its own character, its own history.

The star of the Museum is Orlick, a two year old colt, who took over from his mistress uncontrollable craving for art. Once the foal, who is in his mouth dragged everything, in the teeth was given a brush and showed an easel; Orlik, without thinking, immediately put on the canvas a brush and drew a line. Since that time, the Orlik is a headliner all tours. It even began to call it something else-Osia as a real intellectual. Osia draws on my mood: happy, sometimes, as if doing a favor. When Jack is nervous, it smears out sharp and short, when he is calm, smooth. From under the brush horse is already out of about forty paintings. The most interesting paintings remain in the Museum's collection. Interesting the owners of the Museum include those that are randomly scattered brush strokes you can see any figure. For example, the Museum of modern art was left of the painting: "the Lady dancing the cancan", "Person", "Impressions from breaking the tractor fence". On the last picture is absolutely can distinctly see two lines and a crisp white letter "X". Daria said that the painting was on Easter.

At this Museum you can also get acquainted with the equipment and accoutrements for horses that were used by Russian peasants in their daily work: carts, sleds, yokes, plows, harrows, etc. All exhibits Daria and Alexander had collected in the surrounding villages.

In the Museum you can also hear interesting stories on the theme of peasant life that are associated with these animals. One of the tours in the Museum is devoted to the place of the horse in the life of the peasants. It tells the story of the appearance in Russia of a horse, beliefs, customs and holidays that are somehow related to horses.

Visitors to the Museum during the tour you can experience the atmosphere of peasant houses of the 19th century, to go in sledge-trolly barn, ride on horseback and taste of koumiss, a drink made from fermented horse milk. Museum visitors can also participate in the animation program "Horses and people".

In addition, it regularly holds master classes on selavka, during which you can learn what you need to the seat, what are they and what are their differences. Here you can try to ride a horse under the guidance of the instructor; on the harness where you can get skills for harnessing horses in the arc odnotonnuiu the harness, get acquainted with its components, learn to control the horse by the reins; on clearing of hoofs, where you can learn how to care for horse hooves with a special rasp.

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