Castello Introd Photo: Castello Introd

Castello Introd in the same town in the Italian region of Val d'aosta attracts the attention of tourists with its unique architecture and picturesque gardens surrounding it on all sides. This almost round the castle with the barn only recently opened to the public.

The construction of a primitive form Castello Introd probably refers to the beginning of the 13th century. As Castello di Gran, it originally consisted of a square tower, surrounded by a defensive wall. About 1260, the year Pierre, Sarriod rebuilt the tower, and later, in the 15th century, it was repeatedly modified, resulting in took nearly round shape, which today sets it apart from other castles of the Aosta valley. All these transformations were made in the period of greatest prosperity of the family Sarriod, which up to 1420-year combined lords Introd and La Tour, and later split into two independent branches.

In the second half of the 19th century Castello Introd survived two fires, and in the beginning of the 20th century was rebuilt on the initiative of the then owner sir Gonella, who was hired to do the design by Giovanni Cavalli. Today the castle is owned by the counts Caracciolo di Brienz, which has leased it to the municipality Introd. By the way, the name of the castle derives from the word "half", which translated from French means "between the waters", he stands on a rock, protected gorges river savard and Dora di Remes.

Among the ruins in front of the castle is a beautiful building from the 15th century, a rare instance of the extant house, entirely built of wood, barn, intended for the storage of grain. This is a valuable sample of the local architecture of the late middle ages. Both doors have retained their original Gothic cast iron gates.

The building behind the Castello Introd is called Kashin L Ola – in the past it was used as a barn and corral for the animals and the barn. The oldest part of the building – this area is supported by five columns, with the roof overhang. In the West wing you can see the old door jumper, decorated with keel-shaped arch.

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