Castle Sarriod de La Tour Photo: the Castle of Sarriod de La Tour

Sarriod de La Tour – old fairy-tale castle in the town of Saint-Pierre in the Italian region of Val d'aosta, now converted into a Museum. The exact origin of this castle standing on the plain close to the state highway, still not installed. The oldest part of the chapel and Central square tower, surrounded by defensive walls, probably refers to the 10-12-th centuries, as typical of the Aosta valley castles of the period. In 1420, the year one of Jean Sarriod, ordered the building next to the tower, which was known as Turris, Sridaran, a real castle – the tower was added a few additional structures. Then was built the spiral staircase in the tower were added and cross-window of faceted stones – these elements were typical for the architecture of the 15th century. In 1478, the year Antoine Sarriod de La Tour, son of Jean, was consecrated an ancient chapel dedicated to the virgin Mary and Saint John the Evangelist and ordered to paint its walls with frescoes depicting scenes of the Crucifixion. And the chapel was crowned with a small spire. Interestingly, inside are preserved fragments of frescoes of the 13th century - the most significant are on the South wall: in the upper part you can see the Crucifix at the bottom - the image of two saints, mermaids and grotesque figures, and between the Windows – adoration of the Magi.

The main hall of the castle, the so – called Room of Goals – got its name from its ceiling supported by a bracket 171, carved in the form of grotesque figures – mythical monsters and animals with family coats of arms. The creation of these pieces dates from about 1430 year. Generally, the first mention of the family of Sarriod, politically connected, but not by blood, with the lords of bard, refers to the end of the 12th century.

At the end of the 15th century defensive wall Sarriod de La Tour were attached semicircular and round towers, and on the West side was made a new entrance portal with pointed arches and a vaulted arch with the coat of arms of the family Sarriod. Drawn to the West wing of the castle was added in the 16th century, and the North tower dates from the 17th century. Part of wall paintings and a fireplace with stucco is a creation of the century masters the 18th. The castle remained in the possession of the family of Sarriod de La Tour until 1923 when he moved to the family of Bence from Genoa, and from 1970 he is the possession of the government of the Autonomous region of Val d'aosta.

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