Velikie Luki fortress Photo: Velikiye Luki fortress

The fortress in the city of Velikie Luki of the Pskov region is a historical and cultural monument. This fortress has been preserved in the form it acquired in the early 18th century. Until that time, these fortifications were modified and rebuilt, these older versions of the buildings has not been preserved.

The presence of fortifications confirmed for the first time in Chronicles in 1198. Until that time, written information about this object. In annalistic arch describes an invasion of Great Luke tribes of the Lithuanians and of Polotsk, who burned the homes of local residents – the "mansion", and they found refuge in "the city", that is, in the Kremlin. Later in 1211 Novgorod chronicle notes the construction of fortifications, together with Novgorod.

In 1493 in the chronicle describes a new construction of fortifications on the site of the old. It is also indicated that the construction was entrusted to Grand Prince Ivan Vasilyevich. About these constructions preserved evidence of an eyewitness, an Austrian diplomat Sigismund Herberstein, in his "Notes on Muscovy", which he wrote during his two journeys to Russia in 1517 and 1526.

There is a significant difference in the values of "the Kremlin" and "fortress", which is applicable for buildings of different periods. Initially, it was the Kremlin – the building of a stockade or other material. It was located on the left Bank of the river Lovat. And later was built the fortress – ground shaft with a thick and high rocks to the wooden towers and gates. The fortress was surrounded by the entire city, which was located on both banks of Lovat. Later, the Kremlin became part of a large fortress that protected the entire city.

From 26 August to 5 September 1580 has been an attack on the city the troops of Stephen Batory, who destroyed the Kremlin and the fortress. But the conqueror was in desperate need of the fortifications and began to look for a new place for their construction. After inspecting the area, he decided to use the same location and for the new fortifications. He even personally designed the plan of the building. Thus, on 17 September 1580 the works were completed and fortifications once again rebuilt.

In the 17th century, in the period of the Troubles, as a result of several invasions, the fortress was destroyed again. At that time she was a policemen walls and 12 towers. Two of them were passable gates. The total perimeter of the fortifications was approximately 1125-1156 meters.

A fortress that has survived to our time, was built by decree of Peter I (1704-1708, and was located on the left Bank of the Lovat. Now it was a Bastion type fortress. The author of the project was the mathematician L. F. Magnitsky Construction took place under the supervision of General Naryshkin. The fortress had the shape of an irregular hexagon with six bastions at the corners, twelve copper and forty-cast-iron cannons, two mortars.

After the battle of Poltava, after 1709, the military importance of the fortress was lost. During the war with Napoleon in 1812, it was the Assembly point of the Russian troops.

In addition to military facilities, inside the fortress had two churches – the Cathedral of the resurrection with two chapels and the Church of St. Nicholas. Also on the territory of the fortress there was a powder magazine, barracks, guardhouse, shops, barns, blacksmith shop, commandant of the yard, the office, prison, food warehouses.

During the great Patriotic war, the castle regained its importance and has been the venue of Velikie Luki operation in 1942-1943. Today the fortress is a Museum (since 1971). In her six bastions and two gates. The height of the walls reaches 21, 3 meters, and towers 50 metres. Total area is equal to 11, 8 hectares.

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