Kamennobrodsky Holy Trinity Belogorsky monastery is located in Olkhovsky district of the Volgograd region. The Orthodox monastery and has a valid status. According to legend, in the times of Kievan Rus ' in this place there was a man's monastery with a strict Charter, in 1860, in the Stone Ford was created Trinity Kamennobrodsky women community and after five years on donations and personal funds Seraphim Persian the Church was erected here in honor of the icon "Joy of All who sorrow". The parish functioned until 1928, was later looted and partially destroyed, abandoned and was used in Soviet times as a utilitarian building. The revival of monastic lands occurred only in 1992 with the creation of Kamennobrodsky Holy Trinity monastery.

The monastery has a number of attractions that entail people here from different parts of the country. Around the monastery is home to several natural springs with different chemical composition of water, which bears the title: "silver", "hydrogen sulfide", "radon". The fame of the curative properties of these springs came even before the king's court, at the time they were visited by Tsar Peter I and Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

Another miracle of the monastery land is a century-old oak grove, the age of individual trees in it reaches 300-400 years, and the diameter of stems up to two meters.

Tales and legends glorified monastery of the caves. By the speleologists and the monks still explores several tiers of underground tunnels that stretch under the monastery and beyond. In the monastery there are excursions that cover only the upper tier of caves and cells for monks, but make a lasting impression.

The monastery is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All who sorrow", attracting the attention of believers from across the Volgograd region.

Currently undergoing renovation and restoration of buildings of the monastery. Belogorsky Holy Trinity Kamennobrodsky monastery since 2010 has the status of a natural monument of regional significance, is protected by the state.

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