Holy spirit monastery Photo: Holy spirit monastery

Holy spirit monastery is located in the Central part of Volgograd, on a small hill called Siberia-mountain. The date of Foundation of the monastery is the year 1912 it was converted into a monastery from Episcopal monastery.

The first building of the monastery was a year old wooden Church, which was opened in 1905 and three years later there was built a refectory and a bell tower. National fame parish received since 1908, when the head they put the monk Iliodor, known for its anti-government and Patriotic performances. Himself Heliodorus, according to the testimony of many of his contemporaries, was a great organizer, an inspired preacher, graduate of St. Petersburg Theological Academy, was one of the editors of the Orthodox editions "Pochaev sheet. The very same parish Church by the decision of the city Council acquired the land for construction in 1904 and the building was completed in 1911.

Thanks to the efforts and donations of the flock, the monastery grew quickly, build a warm winter refectory, main entrance crowned belfry. Sam monastery building was a three storey, there is a printing house, hotel, school, needlework and monks ' cells. On the monastery grounds between the buildings was created an area of 10 thousand people and a small square with a fountain and swimming pool for the recreation of the monks. A year later, in 1913, the monastery was transformed into a female.

During the revolutionary events and the establishment of Soviet power in 1918 the monastery was closed. In Soviet times, it housed various institutions and organizations: children's home, a penal colony, a repair workshop, a military unit, a dormitory of the College. During the great Patriotic war, local residents used the monastery underground to shelter from the bombing, the Germans did not touch the audience at the monastery. Already after the war, military railwaymen were demolished the temple and the dilapidated building filled catacombs.

The monastery is again transferred to believers after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1992. Now after reconstruction restored as a monastery, there are Orthodox University named after Sergei of Radonezh and religious school with him, the residence of the Volgograd Bishop.

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