Lindulovskaya grove Photo: Lindulovskaya grove

Lindulovskaya grove is a Botanical nature reserve, which is located in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region, near the village of Roshchino. Occupying an area of almost 1000 hectares, the reserve stretches along both banks of the river Rosinke, the two sides of the road from Roschino to the Pine glade.

State natural Botanical reserve was established by the decision of the Leningrad oblast Executive Committee in 1976, the Main purpose of creation of the reserve is to preserve Russia's oldest artificial imposition of a unique culture of Siberian larch Larix sibirica Ledeb located outside the boundaries of the area in the valley of Rosinke (formerly Lentulov), and the natural complex of the valley with rare species of plants and animals.

Start Windoloski grove was started in 1738 by previously published the decree of Peter I on the cultivating of ship timber for the shipyard in Kronstadt. The first crops of larch seeds collected near Arkhangelsk, were made by Forstmeister her Imperial Majesty, forest notelem Ferdinand Gabriel Facilem in 1738 He helped his students: Ivan Kipriyanov, Matthew Olshansky, Fedot Starostin, Peter Pavlov. The first section was created by Facilem in the spring of 1738 and the Remaining areas of the grove was created by his disciples.

In 1856 Windoloski grove was set protected mode, and in 1990 larch grove was incorporated with the objects protected by UNESCO.

Lindulovskaya grove is a pearl of the Russian silvicultural case, which is a unique oldest cultures of larch, both in Russia and in Europe. Here there are: white-naped and Siberian larch, Larix sukaczewii. For more than 200 years, the grove is a pilot training facility for several generations of foresters.

In addition to larch trees in the grove are growing pine, spruce, cedar, fir, oak, ash, elm, alder. Old culture is preserved mainly in one sector on the area of 23, 5 hectares. They are averaging more than 4 thousand trees having height from 38 to 42 m and a trunk diameter of 0, 49 to 0, 52 m (at chest level). Individual larch trees have a circumference of 1 m.

Lindulovskaya grove suffered from raged here in 1824, 1924, 1925, hurricanes, as well as in the war of 1939-1945 Major plantations of larch was carried out in 1738-1742., 1740-1773., 1805-gg., 1924-1940. and from 1940 to the present.

The reserve's area is occupied by spruce forests, bilberry and blueberry-sphagnum, occupying portions of the watersheds. On the slopes and in the river valley developed Oxalis spruce forests with rich herbs: chickweed, Lily of the valley, ground, etc., sometimes growing elm, lime, hazel, maple.

Fauna Linguascope of the reserve is typical of spruce forests. Background birds – goldcrest, Siskin, song thrush, Chaffinch, thrush-bird, the Wren, Robin, etc. Also meet the zhelnov, great spotted woodpecker, wood Accentor, Chiffchaff. From mammals in these places inhabited by voles, small and the common shrew, squirrel, hare. In old larch plantations, in addition to these species, also nest Ural owl, the Sparrowhawk, nuthatch, treecreeper, snow, crested tit, polovnik. On the banks of Rosinke into it streams you can meet black polecat, occasionally, the European mink. On Rosinke are spawning a passing trout of the Gulf of Finland, and feeding of juvenile fish, spawning lamprey and IDE. Here are the rare natural habitats with European oyster – endangered species of bivalve mollusc.

In the grove, it is prohibited to fish and hunt, make a fire, gather mushrooms, berries, ornamental and medicinal plants, etc. the Reserve can only be visited by organized groups.

For many years windoloski spaces are the objects of study of the development of a unique forest crops, technologies of care, methods of reforestation and exploitation of plantations. In the sanctuary practice students in universities, as well as improve their skills specialists of forestry.

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