A Memorial Of Ulysses Grant Photo: A Memorial Of Ulysses Grant

A memorial of Ulysses S. Grant is dedicated to the great American military leader, ensured the victory of the North in the Civil war, twice elected President and who died in poverty.

Fate was not kind to this man. Professional soldier, he did not like the service. Resigned because of craving for alcohol. In civilian life, the future President without success, worked in ordinary leather workshop, cachusha horse harness (horse were his love). Finest hour Grant was a Civil war: he quickly gained a reputation as a cold-blooded warrior who does not know defeats. At the critical moment, President Lincoln called Grant, entrusting the command of the Union armies. The General acted decisively, southerners were forced to give up.

The popularity of the Grant was huge, in 1868 he was elected President in 1872 – for his second term. Presidency was marked by economic boom, then recession, the struggle for black civil rights, corruption scandals. Upon completion of two terms Grant and his wife Julia went on a world tour. Met them everywhere enthusiastically. But family finances faltered, came poverty, Grant developed cancer. Seeing the proximity of the end, took hold of the memoirs, which were to provide dearly beloved Julia. General finished them a few days before his death in 1885.

The idea of the memorial was born to veterans of the army of Tennessee, major compounds of the northerners, who at the time was commanded by Grant. The construction of the monument began in 1902 by sculptor Henry Mervyn Shredi and architect Edward Pearce Casey, winner declared by Congress competition. The centerpiece of the memorial, located opposite the entrance to the Capitol, became a five-meter equestrian statue of Grant. General astride his favorite horse Cincinnati, in a simple uniform, with the hat. Right and left are two expressive sculptural group, artillery and cavalry, the reliefs on the pedestal is devoted to the infantry. Striking contrast between the intense dynamism of these groups and underlined the tranquillity of the figure of the General. It is known that Ulysses Grant was famous for its amazing endurance even in the most difficult moments of battle.

The soldiers depicted extremely well. To achieve accuracy, Shredi four years went into the National guard – studied army equipment, practice, training, military uniforms. To understand the anatomy of animals, was held at the Museum of natural history biology course, studied dismembered horses.

In equestrian sculptural group of distinguished figures falling at full gallop horse and cavalryman, who was about to die under the hooves. A person lost self – portrait of Credi: he molded his reflection in the mirror. This work was prophetic: the sculptor died from exhaustion two weeks before the opening of the memorial in 1922.

The corners of the equestrian monument is guarded by four lion lying – symbols of military power. The figures of people and animals look in the mirror Capitol Reflecting pool. Through the water surface bronze Grant looks at the Lincoln memorial – the man who called the General to save the country.

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