Lensky historical and architectural Museum-reserve Photo: Lena historical and architectural Museum-reserve "Friendship"

Lensky historical and architectural Museum-reserve "Friendship" is located on the right Bank of the Lena river, at the original place of founding Russian explorers of the future city - "Lensky Ostrog" and today is a major cultural and tourist center of Yakutsk.

The Museum was founded in the late 1980s and early 1990s under the guidance of renowned folk Yakut writer Sivtseva D. K. - swaron of mollova.

Visitors of the Museum-reserve can learn the history of Yakutia joining to Russia, the progressive influence of Russian culture on spiritual and material culture of indigenous people Lensky Krai.

In the Lena historical-architectural Museum-reserve "Friendship" historical monuments of culture and the wooden architecture of Yakutia XVII—XIX C. In December 1992, the Museum-reserve was referred to the group's most valuable national assets of the country.

A special place among the exhibits is a copy of the Church of the Savior known Seliverstova jail. The Church, as "the tenements", surrounded by ancient samples of wooden architecture of the peoples of Yakutia.

In addition, in the Museum you can get acquainted with the culture of the indigenous peoples of the North of the Republic of Sakha – Chukchi, evens, Evenks, Dolgans and Yukaghirs. Special interest tourists also enjoyed the exhibition of national clothes of the Yakuts of the XIX - XX centuries and wooden kumis dishes, various women's jewelry, Yakut horse and ancient burial structures.

Among the unique objects of the Museum-reserve is allocated restored Yakut cemetery, where, in chronological order were restored wooden grave monuments, reflecting the process of Christianization of the Yakuts. The Museum also has a summer home of the evens - Chor, donated to the Museum of the even native Chebance from the village of Poplar.

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