The Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of upper-Nikulskoye Photo: Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of upper-Nikulskoye

One of the most beautiful temple complexes located on the territory of the village upper-Nikulskoye is the temple of the Holy Trinity. The complex comprises: Trinity Church, temple fence, equipped with a gate and two small brick hut, located at the corners of the fence.

The construction of the temple had at the beginning of the 18th century. It was built on two altars, one of which was winter – in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the other the summer – in honor of the Holy Trinity. In the early years of the 19th century from the North wall winter temple were discovered cracks that took place up to the South wall. At the time, it was the fiefdom of Musina-Pushkina Anna Nikolaevna – that's why she was notified first. In the position of Trustee of the temple was Glebov Nikolai Nikolaevich, who was descended from an ancient boyar family. These people became fully responsible for repairs to the Church.

Soon after construction began, according to which the refectory room was considerably expanded, which was intended for the altar in honor of the Kazan icon of the mother. The work continued for about three years. At the end of 1806, the ceremony of consecration, and then began work on the reconstruction of the interior of the temple.

The Church is a Prime example centric strict five-domed Church, built in an "octagon on square". As the dominant building is the main volume, is made in two tiers and each side equipped with semicircles which are crowned slim light octagons with onion domes and cupolas.

After some time, the works on the construction of a single-layer refectory room, equipped with four pillars in the inner part, and slightly rounded corners; then built a little four-tiered bell tower with a miniature dome and a spire. The Church is entirely made of bricks, then plastered. The Foundation of the Church put on made of granite boulders. As a decorative treatment of the facades was chosen architectural style of Naryshkin Baroque.

The temple is surrounded by the perimeter fence, built in the second half of the 19th century – it is made in the style of late classicism with a fairly clear and distinct pattern on the metal grate.

It is important to note that the Church of the Holy Trinity during the whole time of existence has never been interrupted a Church service, even when the owners of this land has been plundered and has decided to sell the ownership. And in the years of Soviet power the Church was not closed, and it is during this time were bloody struggle of the government with religious beliefs, because of what the greatest number of parishes have been closed or liquidated.

In the early years of the 20th century in the temple was a happy event: the parish presented him with an icon of the Theotokos "it is truly meet" or "Merciful", which was considered very valuable by the Orthodox relic. The icon became famous for incredible numerous miracles and healings. Donated the icon contains three particles from the relics of the Holy Martyr Tryphon, Nile Sinai and Harlampiya. On the obverse there is an inscription tells us that the icon was painted and consecrated on mount Athos at the monastery of St. Andrew. This relic was brought to our country in 1915, after which she soon came to Trinity Church – it was a gift to the parish of Abbot Joseph. About this man it is known that during the reign of Soviet power, he died a terrible Martyr's death in one of Stalin's camps. To date, the miraculous icon is located in the city of Rybinsk, namely in the Kazan Church, where, before her face can worship numerous parishioners and pilgrims.

Currently, the Church of the Holy Trinity continues to fully operate than deserving of the incredible love and devotion of the villagers, who for a long time to visit this temple.

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