Sea tower Photo: Sea tower

Sea tower is another attraction of Yokohama, which is located in one of the most popular urban parks Yamashita. The Park was established in 1923 on the site of a neighborhood destroyed by the Kanto earthquake. The length of the Park along the coast is one kilometer. Yamashita also moored alongside the famous liner "Hikawa-Maru" is a real Museum on the water and the pier Osanbashi – the main sea gate of Yokohama.

Marine tower Yokohama is the tallest lighthouse in the world, and this fact recorded in the Guinness Book of records. The tower is 106 meters (348 feet). The lighthouse is situated on land, not on water.

Major dates in the history of the tower are connected with the history of the city. Thus, opening of the tower in 1961 was dedicated to the centennial of Yokohama, and the second opening is already on the 150th anniversary of this port city. In December 2006 the tower was closed due to financial difficulties arising from its owners. Authorities Yokohama bought the building, had a repair and started to look for a management company. Three years later the tower was opened again.

The tower is an active lighthouse that every 20 seconds it beeps red and green lights, and those flashes are visible for 40 miles in each direction from the lighthouse. Used during outbreaks and the trunk of the tower was illuminated alternately red, green, but since may 2009, the trunk is illuminated with white light.

The tower consists of thirty floors, six of which are open to visitors. The lower four floors reserved for cafe, restaurant, souvenir shops, presentation center and Museum tower and the hall, which hosts a variety of ceremony and celebrations. The last two floors of bunk observation deck, where from a hundred-meter elevation views of mount Fuji and Yokohama and the port area, and the Peninsula of Buso.

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