Valley Of Ghosts Photo: The Valley Of Ghosts

Not far from Alushta, near the southern slope of the mountain Demerdzhi is the accumulation of unusual stone sculptures. This Is The Valley Of Ghosts. The largest concentration of stones is called "Catherine's head." To explore this remarkable place, you will need more than one hour.

Its unusual name Ghost Valley received due to this feature: rocks scattered at the foot of the mountain, at sunset cast fanciful shadows, like ghosts that move quickly. Surprisingly at this time looks and the mountain itself – due to the change in lighting at sunset she constantly changes color. Such mysterious phenomena attract tourists.

Also make a great impression and the mountains: scattered throughout the rocky structures of various shapes that resemble faces and figures of people, animals, fantasy creatures. In each rock, you can see something unusual.

There are locals such a legend: in ancient times, this area was occupied by the black-Bearded sorcerer with his retinue. Of all the men in the neighborhood they have collected on top of the mountain in their forge. The flame that flared at the forge, dried whole land and lakes, killed around the whole of nature. In the village of famine. Then a young girl, whose name was Catherine, went to the wizard to ask him to leave this land. But the evil sorcerer didn't listen and killed her. Then God punished all: from the mountain flames shot out, and on its slopes rolled huge boulders that destroyed everything around it. According to the legend, the statues at the top of the mountain is frozen in stone warriors who tried to escape from God's punishment.

Even tourists are attracted by more mundane things – here grows the most famous of all the trees in the Crimea is a nut Nikulin, who was involved in the shooting of the film "Caucasian captive", and the stone on which he sang the song "polar bears" and danced Natalya Varley.

Ghost valley is a nature monument of the state value.

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