Mount Sreeharsha Photo: Mount Sreeharsha

Mount Sreeharsha, her second name - Unhurtable, is located in East-Urska Alps, located between the two Swiss cantons of URI and Glarus. To the South-East of it is the famous pass Oberalppass. On one of the mountain ranges is the border of two municipalities – Gurtnellen and Andermatt.

It should be noted that in Switzerland there is another mountain called Sneekweek. It is located near the commune of Erstfeld in the Canton of URI, and is separated from its namesake valley, Maintal. Its height is 2945 meters above sea level. In the same Canton, are two mountains called Sreeharsha, one tall 2819 meters and the second - 2508 m. This fact should be taken into account when planning routes on a particular vertex, otherwise those mountains that between those three pines is easy to get lost.

Currently on top of mount Sneekweek antenna are installed, accessed via a private cable car, which was closed to public access. But already there has been talk that, once built by the military, the cable car will be dismantled, and in its place laid a special rock rails on which a train consisting of multiple carriages, will bring up all comers. These intentions coincide with the plans of the municipality of Andermatt, intending by 2017 to open in the region Andermatt-Sedrun one of the largest ski resorts in Central Switzerland. To do this, it has everything – beautiful mountains, plenty of snow, the hospitable local people, so it was only small.

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