Ataturk Museum Photo: Museum Of Atatürk

The Ataturk Museum is located on the Avenue Halaskargazi in Sisli. It was named after the name "Ataturk", which means "father of Turks". Mustafa Kemal, thus, awarded by the Turkish people for the huge contribution in shaping the national identity of the Turkish nation. Beautiful three-story building served as the residence of Ataturk. Mustafa Kemal after his return from the Syrian front, rented a house in şişli, where he once lived, together with his sister Makbule and mother Zubeida Khanum. Mother and sister drove to the top floor, Mustafa Kemal himself settled on the middle floor, while the first floor housed his adjutant.

This house was built during the occupation of Istanbul (1908), after the First World War and witnessed many meetings and gatherings of Mustafa Kemal and his associates. Earlier this house was bought by the Istanbul Municipality at Tahseen of tone carved sewing metal and converted into a storage space for paintings of prominent artists of the time, and many other materials that have a spiritual and historical value.

The building is a striking example of neoclassical buildings. It consists of three floors and basement. The Museum has a rectangular shape, and the rear façade features a covered gallery. The entire complex covers an area of about 852 feet.

On the ground floor there is a fully uslan marble slabs, on which lies ushachski carpet. Carpet embroidered with patterns in the form of teeth in the form of a saw white, black, coffee, beige, green, gray and red colors. Finished, he twisted fringe. The lobby features Windows that overlook the garden and the street. They hang cambric curtains curtains, painted yellow leaves and blue flowers on a red background. Drapes the top and sides trimmed with a flounce of fringe. There are statues, a large mirror and a bust of Ataturk. On the left side of the bust is a Desk, covered with blue cloth, on which lay a notebook to record comments and suggestions of visitors.

Left and right are the rooms with fireplaces that date back to the nineteenth century. On the second floor by the stairs, on top of which stand two statues of knights, made of bronze. Near the wall there is a wardrobe, consisting of two parts. It is decorated with delicate patterns and has two doors and three drawers. Color, Cabinet harmonizes with the color of the ceiling and floor of the lobby. Right there on the wall hangs a portrait of Ataturk. His personal belongings are also on the second floor. Still there is a conference hall, a lounge, a study, a bedroom, a hairdresser, a lobby for waiting, library, dining room and other utility rooms.

In the hall for meetings, a small round table, made in the old style with a spread on it with a green tablecloth. Around the table are twelve chairs, and placed along the walls ten low chairs (reminiscent of the Ottomans), their backs are decorated with images and scenes from the works of Shakespere. In the center of the ceiling hangs a gas lamp with white shade vintage style.

In the office there is a table of mahogany, on which are written the instruments used by atatürk. On the Windows and hang cambric curtains with lace embroidery on the ends and satin curtains in red with beige bows, made in the form of flowers. The blanket on the couch and pillowcases are made from a fabric of the same color, over which is draped over a piece of muslin with embroidery and lace around the edges.

Room, which showcases personal documents and papers of atatürk, is as follows: floor space does not carpeted, so as not to distract from the exhibits the visitors ' attention. The Windows also hanging modest Batiste curtains. This room has book shelves and display cases and on the walls hung pictures.

Personal belongings of atatürk are exhibited in display cases, arranged in the following order: first window: caps, sports shirt and gray suit; the second showcase: vests white and black, top hat, gloves and coat; the third showcase: shoes and lightweight demi black coat; the fourth showcase: mufflers, caps Marshal, a box for storing cards, tie, ashtray, table bell, two pieces of beads, cane, whip and coffee Cup.

Other rooms are decorated with statues, vases and paintings.

After the death of atatürk, his Villa was handed over to a private Board and in 1939 turned into night school crafts for girls and the institution for girls. In 1952, the Villa passed to the Ministry of agriculture to 1980 and served as a Bureau of one of its departments. Finally, the owner of the mansion was the Ministry of culture, which restored the building and made his house-Museum.

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