Cathedral of St. Mark Photo: Cathedral of St. Mark

In 1546 was founded the city of Arica in a place called El Chinchorro. In fifty years the city was devastated by the earthquake and tsunami, which forced the residents to move their homes in the harbour under the protection of the Cape Morro, in the place where he is now.

The current building Arica's Cathedral was built on the ruins of the second temple of the city, erected in 1640. After 200 years of service this Church was also destroyed by an earthquake in 1868. Preserved only the stone steps. The project of a new Church building was commissioned by the Peruvian President josé Balta in the French workshop of Gustave Eiffel and was originally intended to resort Ancona. But in 1875 it was decided to build in Arica. Within a year, the Church held its first Mass.

During the Pacific war (1879-1883) Arica was owned by Chile. But until the twentieth century, the arrival of Arica remained under the leadership of the diocese of Arequipa, according to the decree of the Vatican. In 1910 the mayor of the city of Arica, MAXIMO Lira, issued a decree of expulsion of a Peruvian priest and his assistant from the country. They were replaced by the Chilean military chaplains.

In 1911 the Church was annexed to the diocese of Tarapaca (now the diocese of Iquique). And in 1959 was transferred to the rank of Cathedral. With the blessing of Pope John Paul II in 1986 was founded diocese of Arica with the center at the Cathedral of St. Mark in Arica.

The Church building is relatively small, in the Gothic style. The design of the Church is made entirely of metal beams, columns connected by pointed arches, with the exception of two wooden doors. The temple tower rises to the sky, giving the building the beauty and greatness that is enhanced by the surrounding landscape: Plaza de colón, Cape Morro de Arica Harbor, port and boundless sea.

In 1984 the building was declared a National monument of Chile. And in 2002 - a Historical monument of the ariki.

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