The Dominican Church in Arles Photo: the Dominican Church in Arles

In the XII century in Arles was built the monastery of the order of Dominican friars. At the end of the XV century in his ensemble appeared the Church. To date, most of the buildings of the monastery have not survived, but the Church building is the largest building of Arles in the Gothic style. The Church is named the Church of the brethren preachers. It is on the banks of the Rhone river near the bridge Trancey and the Cathedral.

The construction of the Church was completed in 1484. To have been built of gray stone, on either side of the main building of the temple were built two chapels, and the Windows of the Church were decorated with stained glass paintings of stained glass. To the present time much in the appearance of the Church is also not preserved. For example, from stained glass paintings came only remains, by which we can judge only about the color of the glasses – among them you can see yellow, brown and green fragments. The Church building was considered one of the most beautiful in the city, but now it's hard to tell, since all the interior decoration and furnishings were lost.

The Church building is partly covered by later buildings, but the facade in the style of "flamboyant Gothic" has been preserved in almost original form. Its Eastern part is divided in two by a high tower.

Dominican monastery, part of which was the Church was destroyed and rebuilt in the XIV century. During the great French revolution, the Church suffered the fate of many churches – it was adapted into the warehouse. Part of the monastic buildings were demolished, leaving room for the construction of hydroelectric power. In the 80-ies of the last century by the owner of the Church became a municipality. On the initiative of the authorities here were conducted excavations of temple graves, during which dissected the floor of the Church, and restoration – in particular, the "redecorating" experienced sculpture of the XVI – XVII centuries.

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