Monument to victims of political repressions Photo: Monument to victims of political repressions

Monument to victims of political repressions is located on Zhelyabov street, in the Park named after the October revolution. According to the decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 30 October-recognized day of remembrance for victims of political repression. On this day in October 1993 in the Park near Swan lake held a rally-Requiem, where it was decided to establish on the site of the monument. Funds for the erection of the monument were allocated from the budget of the Astrakhan oblast and city administration, and Chairman of the Board of Oblrybolovpotrebsojuz Glasovi VI

Inauguration of the monument in the city of Astrakhan was held on 28 April 1995 At the opening ceremony was attended by the activists of the society "memorial" and former political prisoners of Stalin's camps. To the pedestal fresh flowers were laid, a minute's silence participants honored the memory of all the victims of political repression, not extant.

The monument project members of the Union of architects of Russia Vladimir Khristoforova and A. I. Fedorchenko was made by the sculptor, member of the Union of artists of Russia, G. I. Potapov. Situated on a low granite pedestal, the monument is made in the form of tearing up the bronze birds caught in the snare of barbed wire.

In 2011 in Astrakhan was built Grand object - the Palace of Justice, in front of which previously housed a Monument to victims of political repression. But after a while it was moved to a new location, apparently so as not to embarrass transparent associations guests of the Palace.

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