Chapel Of San Gonzalo Photo: Chapel Of San Gonzalo

Chapel of são gonçalo, or as it is called Capella de San Consolino, or são gonçalo de Amarante, located in the district of Vera Cruz. The chapel was built in 1714 and is dedicated to Gonzalo, the Saint who healed the diseases of the bones, as well as helping to resolve family problems.

Gonzalo de Amarante was born in the early twelfth century, was a Portuguese priest and hermit, until he became a monk of the Dominican order. It is worth noting that the Dominican order was one of the first of the mendicant orders, whose members took a vow of poverty. Gonzalo de Amarante died in Amarante, therefore, to his name and added "the amaranth". The Saint was buried in the chapel of the monastery, in which amaranth was named in his honor, and is the most revered saints in this city. In 1560 by Pope Pius IV canonized Gonzalo de Amarante.

The chapel is built of limestone, brought from the area of Ansan, Coimbra. Above the entrance to the chapel is a niche, which is decorated with a statue of St. Gonzalo. Inside are the altars of the eighteenth century.

There are even so-called cookies Holy Gonzalo - "bolos de San Gonzalo", which are considered a symbol of fertility. Cookies baked for the feast in honor of this Saint and have a phallic shape, although still some debate about the relation of the cookie with the name of St. Gonzalo. On this day people go on the street dressed in national costumes, take part in the procession and share these cookies.

In Aveiro the festival in honor of Saint gonçalo held on January 10. As the population take to the streets in traditional costumes, share cookies, and inside the chapel of San Gonzalo ritual dance performed by a group of men - "dance of the doshas, mancos".

In 2003 the chapel was added to the list of public monuments.

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